01; first letter

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After the painful funeral, Jake walked out, only to be stopped by Haydens mom, "Hayden wanted these for you, they're letters."

"Thank you," he replied quietly, "I'm sorry for your loss."

"Oh honey," her mom embraced him into a hug, "I'm sorry for your loss as well. Be good."

When he got home, he opened the first one, they all seemed to have dates, and they all seemed to go in order.

Dear Jake,

I came back from our first date, and jesus christ I almost died of excitement when you asked me. We've been friends for forever, in the same circle, and I've had the biggest crush on you, a crush all of our friends would tease me on, though you never really paid attention to it, so it took me as a surprise when you asked me in lunch, in front of all our friends.

I remember you smiling at my flushed face, and after I said yes, you let out a relieved sigh.

You would not believe my nerves tonight. The first thought that came to my head was "I'm going to make a total fool out of myself."

And I did, I fell almost two times, you saving my life both of those times, I stuttered a lot, and that you laughed at, and after you laughed, I would glare, which would make you laugh even more.

At the end of the night, we ended up at my backyard, leaning against my tree. You walked me to my back door, you were about to kiss me and I felt my heart stop.

And you did, you, Jake Fitzgerald, kissed me, Hayden Fray, and I swear my whole world stopped.

I hope yours did too.

Sorrow ✧ Jake FitzgeraldWhere stories live. Discover now