Chapter 2 - Part 3/3

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(edit notes: i forgot to add the bolded parts at the end oops)


[[ Try to open the original door // Try to find the other exit ]]

Kikoku Lodge - ???
10:08 pm

He kept quiet for a few seconds, contemplating his options, but he knew that he was too weak to even try opening the original door- if even Steve had trouble opening it, he would never be able to. Instead, he took the opportunity to look around the room. It had no wallpaper or neat flooring, but someone has definitely been using this. The triplets and their parents maybe? 

Metal shelves lined the walls, some filled with cans and bags of food, and some filled with weapons and papers.  If he walked closer to the left side of the room, he could see a door most likely leading out. He could smell a sweet scent in the air, and spotted old air fresheners in on one shelf in various colors. There were also empty beer bottles and cigarettes on a table. Most likely the triplets father or Mianite came here often, probably to sneak the drinks and smoke in before Mrs. Kikoku realized.

Something fell.

He suddenly turned around, jumping slightly (thank god no one was there to see him). Thankfully, it was just one of those air fresheners. He let out a shaky breath and he turned to the shelf that had multiple weapons on it. There were dozens of knives, so he picked one up and looked at it, admiring the engravings. 

Suddenly, he felt something hit him in the back of the head, and he fell, dropping the knife and hitting the shelf, before collapsing on the floor. As everything went back, the last thing he could remember was someone speaking.

"That belongs to me."


Kikoku Lodge- Electrical Hut
10:11 pm

She sat on one of the tables in the small hut, swinging her legs back and forth while watching her boyfriend work. She remembered her mother saying there was something appealing about watching a guy fix something, and while she and her mum weren't on the best terms, she had to admit her mother was right (even if Tucker was just flipping switches). She blinked twice when he looked back at her, clearly expecting an answer to a question she was not paying attention to.

"I said, are you ok? You've been weird since you and James came up the mountain." Though he didnt show it, she smiled at the slight tinge of jealousy his question had.

"I didn't do anything with him if you're jealous." She replied, laughing slightly when he stood up with (false) claims that he wasn't jealous. He checked the switches one last time before standing next to her.

"You know, jealous isn't a good look on you." She said, wanting to continue the conversation so that she wouldn't think of The-Cheating-Butt-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

"Me, jealous? I've never been jealous." Though he was frowning in an attempt to look serious, she could see his struggle to not smile.

"Oh yeah? How about with Al?"
"Oh come on, he was all over you, and you were letting him!"
"Yeah, because you were busy flirting with Martha, have you forgotten."
"She came up to me and we both know it. It's my 'garden of wonders' that lured her in."

They both laughed at that memory, and she grabbed his hand, standing up.

"Come on, if I recall from last year, there's a cabin calling our name." Pulling his hand, she took a few steps to the entrance, thinking that he'd just follow suit but instead he held her hand tighter, pulling her towards him.

"Seriously, Sonj, are you ok?" She looked down at the floor, not brave enough to look at his eyes because she  knew that she won't be able to hide it if she looked into his eyes.

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