This tutorial is about how to download texts from the net and then onto pixlr.
Requested by ashantigailHope you can understand. If you don't, don't think twice for asking for a video!!!:)
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Go to Google. Search for fonts. And you will get a lot of links. Like DaFont, 1001 fonts etc. I recommend DaFont. It has almost all the fonts that you will need for free.
And it is pretty much your wish. There are a lot of ways you can surf for fonts. I will do a crash course tutorial for fonts next, if you would like!S T E P 2
Next, after you have opened the site, and found the font you wish to download, click on it. There are options for you to try out the fonts by typing something in the toolbar. So then click on download.
Some sites ask you for which format you wanna download, either OTF (Open Type Font) or TTF (True Type Font). The basic difference you need to know is that OTF is more robust and has all the glyphs, ligatures and alternatives (these are just like various styles, like for example 'a' can be written like 'ä' or 'ã') under the same file, whereas TTF doesn't. It's more the basic version.
Most sites has a default TTF version alone that you can download. But when you have an option go for OTF.S T E P 3
After the font has finished downloading, you can open it and you will find an icon with a paper rectangle and an 'A' on it. Click it. Then it will open a tab, which shows you the alphabets with the fonts in various sizes. And you will be able to see a button 'INSTALL' on the top right. Click on that and your font will be installed.
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Now, open pixlr newly and open an empty canvas. And type something and go to the fonts tab and scroll through. You should be able to see the font.
If you don't, don't worry. Sometimes it takes a day or so for the font to be loaded onto pixlr. And when you open it the next time, you will be able to see it.And there it is. That's how you download fonts onto pixlr! Hope you understood. And if you didn't get the part about style, ligature and alternatives, fret not. Its fine. Its nothing of that much importance.
Comment whether I should make a crash course on fonts next.Have a good day!!

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