Hey guys! I'm back from my hiatus. So as I had promised, this tutorial is about text on a vector face. And how to create it on pixlr!
PS. I no longer can post videos in my old channel. As I forgot the details about it. (Its been a really long time) So no video for this one. But I will do something. Maybe post tuts on my new youtube channel. We'll see.
So onto the tutorial!!
S T E P 1
Open the image you are gonna be using, like directly and not after opening a canvas, cause this is majorly gonna be about the picture and not about doing anything else. I chose this image. (You can save it and try it with this image too, if you want ^_^)
Tip: Choose an easy image to start off first. You can then go for harder ones.
And this image is pretty easy to work with, as the face has no major colour variations and also very easy to select.Make sure to uncheck the box in the 'LAYERS' tab. Only then you will be allowed to work on it.
S T E P 2
Now, click on the selection tool you are most comfortable with; like the lasso tool, or magic wand.
I would suggest going for the lasso tool as its an easy selection. So just make a rough selection around her face. It need not be really perfect or anything. Just some rough selection will do, because we can clear it up in the next steps. So chill about that.S T E P 3
Once you have finished selecting. And you can see the dotted lines on your selected area. Click on the 'CREATE NEW LAYER' (the little paper with folded corner icon in the corner of the layers tab)
Graphic |t u t o r i a l s|
Sonstiges*REVAMPED* Need help with making covers on your phone? Go ahead. This is for you then! FEATURING Canva, Picsart and whatever you want me to help you with. ---- Graphic |tutorials| © Copyright by @omicronous on Wattpad.com ---- +l i n k s+ :to my Yo...