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This graphic is not by me, i found it on the net. But this is where i drew inspo from. we will make another with this idea that too in pixlr. Gaww! I'm excited!!! ^-^
2. PXDs
Now, PXD means pixlar docs. If you are even familiar with a little bit of graphic world, the you must've come across (at least a thousand times) 'PSDs' well, my amigos, now that is in a simple man's language is just coloring action file, That can just be added to your finished cover to blend in the colors in your own cover. Believe it works like magic, that a cover maker can't live without those! But the problem? It can work on Photoshop alone, but fear not, cuz we pixlar-ites have something just similar, called PXDs. And I will teach you how to make one in the tut, so that not only can you use it for your future covers, but give it to other suffering people as well. And we will be using this lovely photograph of britney spears and some more other resources, which I will share as well!!
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So chill, and be ready, I will make it anytime soon!!