The Big Four~ pt.4

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~Hiccup's Pov~

Ever since this morning everyone has been dragging me all of the village and everyone is giving me surprises and singing me "Happy Birthday" which I don't mind but it feels a little strange.

I mean for all of my life no one has remembered my birthday and has ignored me, so to finally be getting presents and spending a day with friends the thought is just weird. It is very nice though after Toothless tackled me, my friends never thought i would be saying that either and I went down to the grand hall where everyone had made a big meal for me and everyone made long speeches to congratulate me for turning the big sixteen, then we had dragon racing, and a bunch of different dragon competitions and of course Toothless and I won them all, but Astrid and Stormfly were on our tail pretty much the entire time.

Now it is dark outside and three hours before midnight all my friends and I are on the highest cliff over-looking the kingdom. I have Toothless laying on my lap and Astrid is resting her head on my shoulders and she says that she still has three surprises. I ponder over the thought for a few minutes but then I am taken by surprise when I hear a loud BAM I jump in surprise.

"Haha calm down you chicken!" Astrid says with a chuckle "Its just one of your surprises" she says with a smile as she puts her head back on my shoulder. Then I see what she is talking about.

There are big burst of red, orange, yellow, and blue in the sky, the dragons are making fireworks.  Wow what an amazing sight! Could this night get any better? And then I remember Oh yeah I still have two more surprises. I wonder what they could be  but the thought slowly leaves my brain as I admire the burst of light in the sky.

~Jack's Pov~

As soon as Scarlett left everyone was very surprised. "Manny has a wife." Bunny said "Hm never saw that coming" he said with a chuckle.

North let out a loud laugh and gave Bunny a slap on the back knocking him over which made all of us laugh.

"Well we better get going to find the new guardians" said North "We will split up Bunny and Tooth will go to Corona, Sandy and I shall go to DunBroch, and Jack you can get Hiccup by yourself right?"

"Yes!" I shouted with excitement.

"Well alright then here is everyone's snow glob therefore good luck." Then they all went through their snow globes and I looked at mine with excitement to see Hiccup again and today is his birthday! I shook the globe, said "Berk" with a giant smile, threw it, and went through ready to see my old friend.

~Rapunzel's Pov~

It had been a long, fun, exciting day. Eugene had taken me all across town all day, but finally it was time for the releasing of the lanterns. I could hear everyone cheering for I was about to release the first lantern and as I was walking out to release the lanterns the cheers slowly died down.

I turned around one last time to look at my beloved parents and husband then I reached down and lightly lifted the lantern up. It was as light as a feather.

As it rose i saw a shimmer of orange from the crowd and I watched in awe as it spread and before I knew it, the entire city was sparkling with the colors of the lanterns. Eugene walked up to me wrapped his hands around my waist and gave me a kiss on the cheek

"Happy Birthday Rapunzel. I love you."

I gave him a big smile then I kissed him on the lips, when we pulled away I said, "I love you too". Everything was perfect.

~Merida's Pov~

"Angus! Hurry up lad' we need to follow the wisp!" I shouted as my lazy horse wouldn't stand up.

"Fine I'll go myself"

I said skipping across the stones therefore I wouldn't fall into the cold water.

Finally when I reached the other side I began following the wisp. As usual before I was close enough to touch the blue spirits it would vanish. I didn't know where the wisp were taking me so I simply followed.


Yay next part! Sorry if it is kind slow promise it will pick up next chapter :) So vote and comment and tell me what you think! alright love you guys xoxo

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