The Girl

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Ginger's Pov

I woke up this morning to Zoey making breakfast for me. Normally I wake up and help out the guards in the village or help out Zoey with her elves magic or what ever she calls it. "Hay Ginger I made your favorite; PANCAKES!!!" Zoey yelled from down stairs.
Once I heard her say pancakes I got up and put on the small amount of armor that I have to help the guards. " coming!" I yelled as I rushed down the stairs and sat down at the table. "Yeah pancakes! You know me so much." I said to Zoey. "Thank you that's very nice of you to say Ginger. You just made my day!" Zoey said back with a kind sweet voice.
Once I was done eating up all my pancakes I said bye to Zoey and walked out the door. Blu was right their "hay, Ginger.". "BLU! You scared me!" I said while jumping three feet in the air. "Sorry" he apologized " you ready to start the day?" He asked. I ameditly responded "yes!" Alright then I need you to scout out for four lost goats they exacaped there pen last night. You up for it?" He asked after giving me my mission I answered back " yes. Yes I am"
"Good here are some ropes to round them up and remember their are four of them!" He said as I grabbed the ropes and ran in to the woods to find the three lost goats. After awhile I found two of them and brought them back to there owner Mr. Porter. Then I ran back into the woods to look for the last two.
After searching for hours for the last two I started to give up. But then I heard a small noise almost like a goat. When I got closer I saw be hind a bush two goats in fact the two last goats that I was looking for! But they wouldn't leave I final got closer then I was and saw something unbelieve able.
"A girl!!" I mumbled and she has so many bruises plus deep cuts in her like a sword hit her. After I tied up the goats to a tree I took out my flare which  BLU gave me just in case of emergence and in case you haven't notices this is an emergence. I lit my flare and throw it in the air then it popped. Wow that's loud I thought!
As soon as he could BLU came running over to see what was wrong; then he saw the broken down girl who looked to be around my age and Zoey's age, 16 maybe 17 years old.
BLU sent me to go and get Zoey ready for an unexpected visit from an injured person so she could heal her. While I was gone BLU picked the mysterious girl and brought her over to Zoey and my house. Then BLU set the girl on the medical bed and Zoey started to work wright away.

Hay guys this is Luna~Chan here the author of this story. I had an Idea that you guys could give me a name you like not your but a name you like and give me a description on what you want your story to be like and I'll make!!!
Thanks guys for reading!

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