Chapter 8

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Pete's POV

My whole body felt numb. This wasn't ok. I shut the door behind me so if there was yelling it would be muffled for Bronx. She sat on the bed Criss-crossed. "Moved on so fast Pete" She sneered. That's is I was done. I lost it. "Get the fuck out now." She saw the pain in my eyes the she started to cry and she moved closer to me. "Pete please, no I'm sorry for everything. Just please ,just please" "Its a little to late for sorry Meagan, I want you out my life. I choked up in my words. It was so painful to look at her. And with every word she spoke she ripped me. Into tiny pieces,pieces that have already been broken.

Ava's POV

"FUCK FUCK FUCK"! Was all I could think of . My head spun in circles. I walked back and forth I wanted to stab her . Then I turned around and saw the little blond haired boy looking up at me with watery eyes. Fuck, I hope I do not scare him. I sat in front of him Criss-crossed "Whats wrong honey"? I tried be as sweet and calm as possible while I trying not go back up there and beat the shit out of Meagan. "I-is daddy and Meagan ok? He was crying now , as he rubbed his eyes I pulled him in and hugged him tightly. "Yes,honey daddy is going to be ok". I let him go and he put his hand on my shoulders and leaned back so I could see him. "Can I get some ice cream now"? He said with a smirk that Pete gave to me a couple times today. "Yes you can!" I smiled and looked around we where in the second floor and Pete's bedroom was in the third one. "Uh.. Bronx can you take me to the kitchen?" "Follow me "!! He grabbed my hand and took me to the kitchen. We walked down the stairs we turned to the right and Bronx sat in third chair in the marble island."Can I get a ice pop "! "Yes you can ! What color "?He was so adorable he almost made me forget.

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