Should I Go Back (Chapter Five)

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*Dahvie's POV*

Should I really have left?

I thought quietly to myself.

I've been at this little unknown nature reserve thingy for about a day and a half.

Jayy probably doesn't even care that I left .. I wish he just would love me like I love him.

Nobody's really ever known my love for Jayy, I try to hide it as best as possible .. Im always scared Jayy would reject me if I did tell him how I truly felt.

Im nowhere near good enough for Jayy, he's far too perfect. I've thought he might like me before. I thought maybe he was giving me little signs. But it was probably just my imagination.

But who would blame me for fantasizing ? He's PERFECT.

I wish we had a deep, strong, and passionate love.

And I could be his servant.

And he would be my master.

And he would punish me by ramming his --

Gawddammit Dahvie >.>

I can't help but to fantasize.. Uhf, to feel him inside --

I gotta do something get my mind off Jayy .. It'd look pretty weird for me to have a huge throbbing boner in the middle of the woods with no one around. And if someone were to find me, what would I say? "Oh um .. Hi Im Dahvie and I have a big throbbing boner in the middle of the woods because of uh .. I want that tree's dick over there." No, I gotta go walk or something.

~1 Hour Later~

I've been walking for a while now .. I have no idea where the fuck Im going .. I just want Jayy, I wanna go home, I wanna tell him the truth. Rejected or not .. I gotta tell him. I may have a chance. Uhf, I dunno what to do, if I leave now, is Jayy still gonna treat me like shit? Has it been to short of a time for Jayy to learn his lesso-

My thoughts seemed to fade as I heard my phone ring. How the hell do I have reception out here o.e Eh I'll just answer and see who it is.



As I tried to answer .. My phone went dead.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME ?!" I cursed at the empty sky.

This is just great .. I have nothing packed .. I have no idea where Im at .. It's 40 degrees and guess what? Now I don't have a fucking phone, good one Dahvie >.> you've really fucked yourself this time.


A/N : Hello my sexy ass unicorns!! Did you think I left and wasn't going to update? Nope, that'll never happen, I've just been at school the past couple days >.> I hate school ugh. Anyway, Vote Comment And Fan. And I'll update as soon as I get some ^-^ bye bye sexy ass unicorns

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