Come Get Me, Jayy-Bear (Chapter Seven)

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*Dahvie's POV*

Im Just gonna walk and see where it takes me. Sigh .. I never should have left, this is all my fucking fault .. Ugh. I just wanna go home and wrap myself in Jayy's arm and just be the perfect couple.

Oh, I must have forgotten that Jayy doesn't fucking like me because Im so fucking ugly and fat. Ugh, I wish I had my blade. Wait just one motherfucking second. I JUST REMEMBERED. I have two spare blades under my phone case. Yesyesyesyesyes. Thank you god.

I took the blades out of my phone case and stared at them for a while, and got to thinking, 'how the hell do I encourage my fans to not do this, but I do it almost every day' Welp, there's another thing I can cut for.

I took the cold metal and slid it up and down my arms as hard as I could.

I saw blood flowing everywhere and finally became happy with myself, I need more. So, I started taking to my thighs, ankles and ribs. Once I started to get lightheaded and dizzy, I decided to stop. Im probably gonna pass out soon, I hope so.

Suddenly, I felt the darkness consume me .


A/N ; Hey, my sexy ass unicorns, Im so sorry I've not been updating, but I kinda have good reason. I've been really depressed and stuff the past week or so after losing the love of my life, but yeah it's whatever, I know you guys don't wanna hear about it. Oh, by the way, In the future when Jayy and Dahvie get back together [which they will] Do you guys want smut? Lemme know in the comments below, thanks for always inspiring me to get off my ass and write for you guys by the way c;

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