Chapter 1

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Every girl wishes she'd fall in love right?
I guess this isn't exactly what I had in mind, but I mean, it works?

"Mr. W? Can I use the restroom?"
I had caught myself in a daydream again. It's not exactly what you're supposed to be doing during class, but this class is too boring.

I've learned to ask for the restroom whenever I've been daydreaming; it makes it look like I was waiting for an opportunity to ask, rather than actually not paying attention.

"I don't have the keys, so you might have to wait for someone to open the door."

"Kay!" I say as I walk out the door.

The only upside to class in the portable rooms is that you have to sit outside whenever you need to get in the school.

Most of the time, the teachers don't want to let the students keep the keys while they're inside, so you just wait outside until someone runs down the hallway to open the door. It's pretty awesome.

I walk down the ramp that goes to the portables, and head towards the door. It's pretty nice out, so I'm looking forward to sitting and watching. Of course, no one is in the hallway, so I go ahead and settle down on the sidewalk.

As soon as I sit down, I see a black car pull into the side of the school, near our portable. It's probably just a student teacher or a delivery.

A tall, lanky man wearing a black tee shirt and ripped jeans got out. He was holding something, but the sun was too bright against my eyes to see it clearly.

I waved to him as he walked past and barely turned his body towards me. Some people...

As I looked closer, I noticed he was crying.

"You okay man?" I asked (yelled) Asia he was walking into the school.

"I'm sorry." I barely heard him mutter before walking in.


As I looked down, pulling out my headphones, I heard a scream come from the inside of the school, followed by loud gun shots.

Was he a shooter? Did I just watch a shooter come into our school and do nothing?

"I'm sorry."

He apologized.

I ran to the door that he entered through in hopes that he didn't re-lock the door. It was still open.

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