Chapter 3 - Question

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*Jack's POV*

I woke up the next morning on my bed I realize that I must have fallen asleep I grab my phone and saw that my alarm went off about a hour ago I jumped up from off the bed and changed my clothes as fast as I could, I ran downstairs and as I was about to run out the door I realize that I forgot my suitcase upstairs with my clothes I was about to run back upstairs and get It intill I bump into something I looked up and realized that It Google, I noticed that he had my suitcase in his hand I got up and open my suitcase and took out one of my jackets and helped Google put it on, I grab my suitcase and me and Google walk out the door and drove all the way to the airport

-Timeskip Intill Their In LA-

Me and Google check-in to the hotel that I booked a room In three days ago luckily for me no one stopped us on our way over here, I place my suitcase on the bed and started unpacking untill I hear knocking on the door and a familiar voice, hey Jack I need to talk to you ! I started panicing I didn't know what Mark would do If he saw Google, so I told Google to hide in the closet and not to come out intill Mark left he did as I told him I went over to the door and opened it I welcome Mark in and he sat on the bed I walked over and sat next to him, there was silence for about a minute before Mark said something, so how was your trip ? It was ok i said. Oh good um... there was more silence intill Mark asked if I wanted to go on a date with him. I started blushing at the question Mark asked um..sure I go on a date with you, I had that feeling again but this time I whew what was causing it, it was Mark I realize that I only have this feeling when I'm around him I let go everything and I kissed him I couldn't control myself his lips felt amazing, I realized that Mark didn't stop me instead he was kissing me back I continue kissing him intill Google came out of the closet and saw what we were doing, I pushed Mark off of me and covered my face realizing that I had forgot that Google was still in the closet. um...Jack is that Google ? Mark asked I realize that I had a lot of explaining to do

-A Small Timeskip-

After explaining to Mark how I met Google and everything he told me what time and place to meet him, Mark gave me a kiss on my cheek before he left, I was still embarrassed because Google had seen the whole thing between me and Mark, I opened up my suitcase and pulled out my suit that I had and went over to the bathroom making sure to lock the door, I heard the TV turn on I knew Google must have turn on the TV because he's the only one in the room. I turn on the shower making sure that the water wasn't hot I took off my clothes and stepped into the shower.

*Mark's POV*

After Jack told me how he met Google and everything, I told him to meet me at the palm at 1100 S. Flower Street at 7:00 PM I gave him a kiss on the cheek before I left, I was still questioning what happened back there, I mean it's not like the kiss was amazing and all but I'm worried that he may have not real feelings for me and that he just doing this so that he doesn't hurt mine feelings but that doesn't matter right now what matters is how Google even exist here in the real world, I pulled out my phone and speed dial Matt to see if he knew something about this. But everytime I called him it when to voicemail I was about to try and call him again intill I had gotten a call from a unknown number, I answer the call only to heard one thing...

-To Be Continued-

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