Chapter 3 ~ Whispers in the Dark

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"COMMANDER LANA! WE'RE GOING DOWN! MAYDAY! MAYDAY!" Jordan yelled at the top of her lungs as the two hurtled down the stairs at top speed. Their feet barely touching the ground. "PULL UP! PULL UP!"

"Lieutenant! Get yourself together!" Lana cried as the two whipped around the corner, using the pole at the end of the railing to do so. "This is no time to panic!"

"Yes, commander!" Jordan nodded, trying her best to keep a straight face.

The two were having the time of their lives. This time around, they had come up with a very immersive storyline. It was one they had used before, but with a new twist to it. They were pilots trying to save a crashing plane. The adventure normally ended after the plane smashed into the earth, but today... the pilots would survive.

"COMMANDER! Look! On the radar! It's... it's..." Jordan stammered, glancing down at the imaginary dashboard before her as the two darted into Melanie's room and out into the next hallway.

"It's an island!" Lana cried.

"What do we do?! At this rate, we'll crash right into-"

"Calm, Lieutenant! Pull yourself together! We'll be fine! We have a mission! We can't let a crashing ship stop us!"

Jordan nodded in agreement. The two ran like bullets through another long corridor and basically jumped down the next flight of stairs they came across. Grandma and Grandpa's house was like a labyrinth. Hallways seemed to change. Twisting and turning in every which way. Some even ended in dead ends. Who in their right mind would have hallways in a house that ended in dead ends!? Doors seemed to lead to rooms that weren't theirs. Lana swore that once, when she went to go to the bathroom at night, she opened the door and found herself staring into the kitchen. She swore she was awake when it happened. Either that or it was a very vivid, life like dream. And, no matter how much time you stayed in this house, you were never able to seem to memorize the entire place. Even if you had lived there your entire life, you would still find it quite difficult to navigate. Her grandpa had gotten lost in its hallways on many an occasion. Then again, he was getting old. Really old.

"Island! Approaching fast!" Jordan called out.

The two came to the top of the flight of stairs that lead into the basement and completely stopped. Lana looked over to Jordan and nodded. All at once, the two bowled down the stairs, hurting like a pair of comets, and crashed into the floor below. The basement was a large, furnished room with a door in the right side of the room that lead out to the forest; as half of it was imbedded in the hill and the other half was out in the open. The two girls lay on the hardwood floor. Sprawled out in random positions. Lana sat up and pretended to cough out a plume of dust. This was followed by Jordan groaning in a painful manner.

"Lieutenant. Are you alright?" Lana asked, looking over at Jordan who was still laying on the floor.

Jordan grunted. "As well as I can be after a crash..." Jordan sat up slowly, "Where are we?"

"Somewhere in the island, I presume. By the looks of it, most of the plane was destroyed."

"The cargo!?" Gasped Jordan.

"Don't worry." Lana smiled, patting her pocket, "I got it."

Jordan sighed in relief. The two were doing a wonderful job of staying in character this time around. Lana glanced around the basement. In her mind, she imagined the floor to be littered with large scraps from the crashed plane. Huge trees sprouted from the ground, covered in dense foliage and overgrown plants of kinds Lana had never even heard of. She closed her eyes for a few seconds, and when she opened them, she was there. In the middle of a forest. Beside her, Lieutenant Jordan sat. Her plain, grey pilot's uniform was singed and dirtied. Lana looked down. So was her own. With some effort, Lana got to her feet, then helped Jordan to hers. The two simultaneously glanced up at the quickly darkening sky, painted with soft shades of purple and pink fading into a dark blue. Then over in the way they had originally came. The two had a silent conversation before starting to walk that way. Trudging up a small hill and onto flat ground that was in the same state as the level before. Covered in untrimmed hedges and tall, gnarled, looming trees. Their leaves rustling in the slight, calm breeze. Lana constantly checked her pocket as the two continued on through the increasingly shadowy forest that seemed to make up most of the island they were on now. Just to make sure the cargo was okay. Now, the two hadn't made up what the cargo was exactly, but that just opened up more possibilities for them to experience. Lana and Jordan darted around trees and bushes, up hills and across bubbling streams and they moved farther and farther away from the crash sight. Lana hummed the song Over the River, as they walked.Over the river and through the woods to the edge of the island they went. Even though they were sneaking, unsure of what creatures may have been lurking in the underbrush, but Lana couldn't help it. It was stuck in her head. Jordan shushed her after a few seconds if this and the only sound left was the rustling wind... and a loud THUMP. Lana and Jordan were snapped out of their make-believe adventure as a loud THUMP echoed out from the floor above.

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