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Ashleigh Szuhaj: New Timmy!! Are you currently busy?

Timmy Rasmussen: Yeah I'm about to go to the gym,

Ashleigh Szuhaj: Dammit dude! I have a free house for a week, bored out of my box!

Timmy Rasmussen: Hang with Clayton and that.

Ashleigh Szuhaj: Clayton is working. Ugh, you're a pain!

I threw my phone onto the pillow beside me and rolled out of bed. I could tell already that today was going to be a boring one. I can't go to Brady's because he's at Jordan's spending time with her before tour. Just me and my house. I grinned to myself and looked over to my laptop and speakers. I got up skipping towards it and started blasting my music. I had on a white dress shirt and my underwear on, normally I'd change because my parents would be around. But as its a free house, I decided not to and to also blast my music even louder. The first song to come on was Weightless by All Time Low, a smile grew on my face as I skipped through my house to my living room "AND MAYBE IT NOT MY WEEKEND, BUT ITS GONNA BE MY YEAR AND I'M SO SICK OF WATCHING AS THE MINUTES PASS AS I GO NOWHERE!"

I started randomly headbanging while jumping on the couch. "THIS COULD BE ALL I'VE WAITED FOR! THIS COULD EVERYTHING I DON'T WANNA DREAM ANYMORE! And maybe its not my weekend but its gonna be my year!!!" The song finished and I jumped into the air landing in front of the table with my eyes closed and dramatically posed. My whole body went into shock as someone started clapping from behind me, I spun on my heel, eyes wide open. "Man, I'd love to see you perform on stage if your that enthusiastic!" A smile spread across his face and I just stood in front of him absolutely mortified. "D-Dalton- What? What are you doing here?" I tugged at the shirt I was wearing in hope it'd cover up a little more. "Timmy text saying you were bored. So... I came to take you to annoy Clayton at Chipolte!" His grin widened as he began to scan my outfit. "Uhm, I need to get dressed..." He smiled wide at me and then nodded his head. I awkwardly skipped past him and then ran upstairs faster than I've ever ran before in my life. Being around Dalton made me nervous, it's a weird kind of nervous though. It's a kind I've never felt before. It worries me. It really worries me in fact. I don't want to have to keep going over the whole, 'I don't want to lose Brady' situation because I'm tired of that. I know that if I just limit myself to spend as little time with Dalton as I can without looking like an idiot or otherwise uninterested in him; I might not develop any feelings and neither will he. Not that he is going to.

I pulled on my grey skinny jeans and searched around my room in my bra for the top I wanted to wear. Dammit, where is it? I looked in every set or drawers I had and even in my wardrobe, come on, man. I decided against wearing the Blink shirt I was looking for and threw on an All Time Low one instead, I combed through my naturally straight hair and dabbed on a little foundation after that I grabbed my black zippy up jumper off my chair and then skipped downstairs. I smiled at Dalton as I entered the living room and he smiled back, his smile was so adorable and contagious even though I was already smiling; I'd smile wider if he looked at me like that. "Chipolte?!" I looked out the window to see if he had brought his car or his penny board. Car it is. He nodded his head and bounded up to his feet. "Let's gooo!!" I stifled a giggle.

We got to Chipolte a little late because of the traffic and by the time we got here Clayton had already finished work and left. "So I guess the point of being here has gone out the window but hey, we still get Chipolte!" I laughed at Dalton sitting across from me. His smile spready across his cheek and I couldn't help but notice the dimple on his chin. It was so adorable. Dalton must be the only person I've ever met who can pull off a chin dimple. I snapped out of my daze and scanned the room. I had to look twice at the guy in the queue, oh no. Dalton obviously noticed my concern and tapped my shoulder. "What's up?" He looked over in the direction I was looking in and grinned. "My ex, Thomas, is in the queue. He's what Brady used to say as 'over-everything'" he squinted at me gestured for me to explain. I smiled and continued.

"He was the type of guy who didn't like me to socialize with other people. Especially guys. I wasn't really 'allowed' to do what I liked. He somehow got it into his head that he was the only person I was good enough for and would never find someone as good as him" I finished off my food and looked back up at Dalton who was staring at the guy across the room. Personally I don't actually see what I saw in him back then. "Uh what a loser. Are you done?" I nodded my head and we both took to our feet I cleared away our food and walked back to Dalton. Unexpectedly he intertwined his fingers with mine and led me past everyone in the queue, including Thomas. As we got closer to the door he wrapped his arm around me and kissed the top of my head. I found what he did quite funny and sweet but at the same time I kept blushing, like he's so cu-

Ashleigh stop. Take a step back and just come back down to earth. This is Dalton Wixom; your cousins best friend. He's like The Forbidden Fruit. To look at but not to touch... Or eat hehh. I snapped out of it as a rain drop found a place on the side of my head. Oh come on Indiana its Summer! I gave Dalton a glance and he nodded at me. "Ready? 1-2-3!!" I burst out laughing as we both raced through the Chipolte car park towards Dalton's car. He was ahead of me a little so I pushed myself as far as I could and ran past him, I glanced behind me and he had a grin stretching from ear to ear. I made it to the car and within seconds Dalton joined me. "Do you have any plans tomorrow?" He was leaning over the bonnet and he looked over his shoulder at me. "I told Ethan I'd help him pack your merch" he smiled at me mischievously and stood up straight which made him significantly taller than me. The top of my head stopped at his nose. Man, I'm small. "Well, I need you more now!" He grinned at me and opened the car door for me.


I got home around 11pm and couldn't be any more tired. The day went by so quickly. After Chipolte, Dalton and I decided to go see a movie last minute, then we ended up driving around. Tomorrow we're going out to Cincinnati to set up the first venue for the tour their about to go on with a few of their close friends who are in bands.  I locked my front door and put my empty Starbucks cup in the bin and made my way up to my room. I stripped down out of my clothes and pulled on a pair of booty shorts and a vest then eventually slipped into my comfy bed.

Dalton Wixom: What time are you getting up tomorrow? I'm waking up at 8. Just be ready to go by 8:30, cause we've gotta have time to hit Starbucks. x

Ashleigh Szuhaj: 8 too. Are you picking me up? x

Dalton Wixom: Great! I'll see you tomorrow x

You Had Me From The Start. (Dalton Wixom)Where stories live. Discover now