Chapter Six

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**Jules POV**

I tap my fingers on the marble table impatiently, waiting for this lady to stop crying. She's been crying for five minutes now and I'm starting to get annoyed. Drew is sitting next to her uncomfortably; not knowing what to do.

Something told me not to come here. There's nothing here at all. I would have been able to tell if there was. Drew just wanted an excuse to come here. I know all he came here for was to see that spoiled brat Pops calls a daughter.

I clear my throat and Pops wife looks at me. "Do you think he was killed?" I ask her.

Her eyes widen at how straight forward I am and I wait for a response. "No! Unless your telling me there's a possibility he was."

"You found him unconscious in his office," I reminded her. "You have to had seen something." I pause. "Unless your hiding something yourself."

She stands to her feet angrily. "I would never do anything to harm my husband."

"I never said you would."
"Then what are you saying!?"
"I'm saying you need to tell us what you know."
"I don't know anything!"

Her voice cracks and she falls back down in her seat. She starts to cry in her hands and her shoulders start to shake

Drew gives me a sharp look and I stand.

"This was a waist of my time," I said through clenched teeth. "If anything, we should head to Veil headquarters to his office."

"The police have it sectioned off," Drew says, standing. "Its going to be hard getting in."

"Not if your me."

We both turn and look at Pops daughter, Saviah. I look over at Drew and I can see the mixed emotions on his face. I've never seen a vampire show so much emotions like this one.

I cross my arms. "How are you going to get in?"

"She's not," Drew said firmly. "She's not coming. We can sneak in and out with no problem." He turns towards the door.

"I want to know what happened to my father just as much as you guys do," She says, more towards Drew than me. I cross my arms and watch the soap opra of Drew and Saviah before my eyes.

"We don't need you," Drew said calmly.
"YOU don't need me," she retorts. "But its not about you, Drew. I'm coming."

I shrug my shoulders. "Its your funeral."

I walk past Drew and out the door; Romeo and Juliet following behind me.

**Jade's POV**

I've never seen someone so stiff in my life. He walks shoulder to shoulder with me and his shades shields his eyes but I know their staring straight ahead.

I told Yoki to wait in the house. He objected but he obeyed my wishes.

"You never told me your name," I said, breaking the silence. Even though its still morning, the sun shining and the birds are singing, everything is still and silent.

"I have more than one name," he says. "Some names I was born with and the others were created over time."

OK now he sounds creepy. I make sure there's a huge space between us as we turn the corner; headed down the street Roxie lives on.

"Then what's the name you would prefer people to call you?" I ask.

"This is my first time speaking to someone face to face, and I don't see myself doing it in the future." He looks up at the sky then at me. "People like me don't associate with anyone outside of their circle. Friends lead to enemy's and the last thing we need is another war."

Another war? What the hell....?

We nearly walk past Roxies house and I stop in my tracks. He turns and look at me and I motion to the two-family house just in front of him.

He doesnt move and I walk up the steps.

Roxies not the type that welcome guests into her home. The last time I visited her, she made me stand out there for hours until she felt like getting out of bed. I don't see how a person that can lift four times her weight with one hand, be so.... Lazy.

I reach up and knock on the door; even though there's something in me telling me not to.

The guy hasn't moved from his stance and before I can ask, the door flies open; Roxie charging out of the house towards him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2016 ⏰

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