Ch 2: Are we there yet?

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This is the ideal look for Layla! What do you all think? (:
1 week later
"Are we there yet? I think my butt has gone numb!" I groan, rubbing my butt. Mom has been driving for a few hours and it has been the death of me! It was fun at first playing games in the car but after while and a few wrong turns, I was ready to be out of the car.

Mom just turned to me and chuckling, "You're so impatient. We're finally to Arizona then we'll be to the house shortly." I sighed in relief. I wonder what my room will be like? I hope it's better then the last. I wonder. I closed my eyes softly to take a short nap for the rest of the car ride.

15 minutes later
I jumped at the sound of mom slamming her door. She never wakes me up in the most pleasant ways. Note the sarcasm. I stretch and proceed to get out of the car and notice a small cute little house! It was small but not to small, it had a front porch, surrounded by bigger 2 story houses. It's so far better then our to small cramped of an apartment before.

Mom grunted trying to pick up a heavy box by herself, "Are you going to help or just stand there all day?"

I smiled and ran up to her giving her the biggest hug ever. "Thanks mom!" She hugged me back and started nagging to me about helping her. I groaned and helped her pick up the box. It was hard to see over the box considering I'm only 5 ft and my mom is 5'6". My biological father was shorter than my mom so I got the short gene for a 17 year old.

After a few hours of bringing in boxes and having all of our furniture moved into the house, mom and I collapsed on the couch and chair. We were both exhausted! Sometimes it's hard having only two women in the house and a cat who sleeps 24/7 and won't do anything. Speaking of Oreo, he was already on the couch ledge sleeping, the car ride must of gave him as much of anxiety as it gave me!

"Well, it's ten o'clock and I'm pooped. I think I'm going to retire for tonight." Mom said getting up from the couch and stretching her back. She walked over to me and gave me a kiss on my forehead, "Don't forget to take your meds. Goodnight, love you." I sigh telling her Goodnight back. I get up and walk through the hallway and open up the second door on the right and look at my new room. It was bigger then the last room and had tan walls which I think I might keep. I opened my suitcase and got out my medicines. Grabbing the one I take to help me fall asleep at night, I went to the kitchen to grab some water. I hated taking my medicine but I knew without it I'd be back in the hospital, and waking up in the middle of the night with flashbacks. I walked over to the couch and grab a blanket to sleep with. I put my medicine in my mouth and gulped in disgust at the take of it. I'm to lazy to make my bed or change my clothes so I collapsed on the couch and went straight to bed.

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