Chapter 8

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I felt like I shouldn't have been so harsh about Rocky the first few times I was around him. I was a stranger to him and even though Aubrey would come into my room at all hours and yell about something he'd done or someONE he'd done so I could get the scoop on him, he knew absolutely nothing about me. It was hard to remain quiet when Bree asked me what he was like, but I'd be damned to hell if I was going to reveal his personal information.

On Friday I walked to his office with our coffees and I had brought him a chocolate chip muffin. I noticed he liked them from the baking mix he had set on his counter back at home.

"Come in," he responded to my knock and I opened the door.

"Morning," I told him with a small smile despite my exhaustion. Aubrey and I had been out late the night before with friends and I was beyond tired.

"You don't look well." He took his coffee for me and I handed him the muffin. "How'd you know I like chocolate chip?" He furrowed his brow as he looked into the bag.

"I was out late last night. And the package on the counter at your house. I'm a journalist, Rocky, I'm observant as hell." I responded quickly and sat down at my table to begin my day too.

"I'm leaving early today." He told me, "Going away with the family for a weekend in off the coast."

"Do you have a house there?" I asked him as I sipped my hot coffee. It nearly burnt me but the warmth felt nice against my cold skin.

"Too personal." He typed at his keyboard and looked up at me.

"Okay..." I sighed and typed on my own keyboard, mostly just to mimic his actions.

"You're joining us." He said.

"Rocky, I was thinking more like meeting family over lunch or coffee... Not like a weekend getaway thing. I don't know you guys, I'm not going to stay the entire weekend with you." I told him seriously.

"It wasn't a question." He looked at me. I raised my eye brows at him and he buckled, "Fine." He said, "But one of my brothers is about to go out of town and you might not get to meet him again for your paper." He looked me over, "You could always bring a bag and if you don't enjoy yourself I will have Max bring you home tonight."

"I've known you a week." I reminded him. "We're on a professional basis."

"And you're supposed to learn how I am with my family." He raised his eye brows at me and looked back at his computer screen. He was quiet for a moment and tugged on his lip with his teeth until the phone rang. "This is Rocky." He said seriously.

He started on a long phone conversation and I excused myself to call Aubrey to ask for advice. I went into a break room and tapped her name on my cell. "What's up bro?" She said sounding like she was eating.

"Ew don't talk with your mouthful." I scolded her, "I need advice."

"First of all, I'm 22 I do what I want, and secondly, is it about Mr. Hunky Record Producer?" She sounded enticed already.

"Sort of... He asked me to come meet his family at their house on the beach." I bit my lip and waited for her squeal.

"HE WHAAAAATTT???" She sounded like she was running circles, "Nikki you gotta goooooooooooo," She told me happily, "I'll pack you a bag. Ill get it all ready for you. I'm on it."

"Bree-chill, come on. Isn't this a little soon?" I questioned her.

"No!" She scoffed, "Hello Nicole Penova, any other girl spending this much time with Rocky Lynch would have slept with him already if she was as hot as you. He's probably confused as to why you haven't hit on him yet."

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