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Brooklyn Carter

"Brooklyn Ashton-Marie Carter get your ass outside before you miss your flight!" My Mom yelled at me from out outside.

I didn't pay any attention to her, I was to busy saying goodbye to my best friend.

"Im going to miss your big headed ass!" One of my best friends Claire cried.

"Im'a miss you too" I replied as I hugged her.

Suddenly my two other best friends Chad & Isaiah came rushing through my front door and tackled me to the ground.

"We thought we missed you!" They both said.

"Well you didn't but yall are fucking heavy can yall get off me." I said as they crushed me.

"Oh sorry." They said at the same time again.

"Uh Im really going to miss you guys, group hug!" I said as we all hugged.

It felt like I was moving but I was only going to California for the summer, I would be back before school started. But living in London this was a big move suddenly my Mom came interrupting our group hug.

"Brooklyn we need to leave now." My said.

Everybody let go but Isaiah, he held on to me tighter. We had a special connection like no one else, his hands were rapped around my waist as my arms went around his neck. I was truly going to miss him we did everything together I've known him since pre-school well him and Chad they are twins actually. But I have always been closer to Isaiah. He let go of me knowing I had to leave, I then noticed the tears streaming down my face. Chris and Claire ran and we did another group hug.

"Walk and hug." My Mom said while walking to the car.

And thats exactly what we did once we got to the car we let go and I quickly jumped into the car before we did another group hug. I waved at them and blew kisses as they all grabbed them and put them in their pockets. Isaiah blew one back as we were driving off and I grabbed it a and held it to my heart as we drove away and I couldn't see them anymore.

"Whats going in with you and Isaiah?" My Mom asked.

Everyone always asked that but we would always say we are just best friends, we just have a special connection.

"Nothing Mom-" She cut me off

"Oh let me guess yall just have a 'special connection'?" She said sarcastically.

"Mom honestly I don't know." I said and sighed.

"Okay Brooklyn, I can understand I wont ask anymore." She said

The ride was silent but it wasn't an awkward silence, I broke it.

"Im going to miss you Mom" I said truthfully.

"Im going to miss you too." She said back as we pulled up to the airport.

We parked and quickly grabbed my suit cases and went through security, and found whee I was supposed to be right on time.

"I'll see you later Mom, love you." I said while hugging her.

"Im'a miss you lil bit." She said using my nickname and kissing me on my forehead.

I hugged my Mom one last time and then pulled my ticket out of my bag and gave it to the lady, and walked on to the plane.

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