Prefrence #4: When You're Injured

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Harry: You get injured during a Quiiditch game. When you were falling, Harry caught you. He caressed your cheek, and kissed your forehead as he put you on the enchanted stretcher, following quickly. He never left your side until you were able to leave the Hospital Wing.

Ron: You were injure when you guys went to the Ministry of magic. You were shot with a curse that was deflected. You blacked out almost immediately. Ron held you close, rocking you back and forth until the Order helped you.

Hermione: During the war, someone aimed a spell at Hermione. "Sectum Sempra (correct me if I'm wrong please)!" Hermione turned her head right when you jumped in front of her. She screamed. "No! Nonono!" She cried. Ron and Harry had to pry her off so they she could get carried to the Great Hall to be treated.

Neville: One day, when you saw Neville, you ran to catch up, but slipped. You cracked your elbow on the floor. Neville automatically picked you up, as you fought back many tears. Your arm ended up broken, so you had to drink a nasty bone healing potion and wear of sling and cast for a month.

Ginny: While at Hogwarts, when Snape was headmaster, Ginny was instructed to harm a first-year Ravenclaw. She denied it. Alecto Carrow hit her with the cruciotis spell. Well- she almost did. You jumped in front of Ginny, feeling the pain for her.

Luna: You were working on an acid potion when it split. You were brought to the Hospital Wing. When Luna found out, she stayed with you everyday. She even told you 'it was the Nargles'.

Draco: You were pushed down on accident from the crowd. You hit your nose, which started bleeding. Draco automatically helped you up and threatened anyone that walked passed them. You had to be brought to the nurse who had to use 'episky' to heal your nose.

Pansy: You got attacked by an acrorantula in the Forbidden Forest. The poison was stuck in you until Madame Pomphrey found a cure. Except she hadn't. Pansy stayed up for hours each night until she found it.

Fred: In your fourth year, the basalisk petrified you. Everyday after classes and Quidditch games and practices, Fred would tell you what you were missing and how his day was. He was the first face you saw when you woke up.

George: You were helping with a prank, but it backfired and got you instead. The pain lasted for a little bit, before you started laughing. Even when you tried assuring George you were fine, he kept asking you if you were okay.

James: You didn't know how to swim, and you fell I go the Black Lake. The Squid grabbed onto you by accident, and flopped you harshly on land. James ran to you and brought you to the hospital wing.

Remus: He accidentally hurt you in wolf form. You were fine, but had to keep telling Remus it wasn't his fault. After many gifts, you told Remus if he apologized one more time, you'd kick his arse.

Sirius: Bellatrix hit you wi an unforgivable curse. "Cruccio!" She screeched. She screamed from the pain and cried, writhing on the floor from the pain. Sirius immediately started a duel until Bellatrix was on the ground.

Peter: You got a huge scar from apperation. Peter bandaged you up, but you were in pain for a couple of weeks. Peter bought you candies and flowers until you felt better.

Lily: You and James were fighting in the Quidditch field, and you weren't paying attention. A bludger hit you in the back, paralyzing you. Madame Pomphrey found potions to help you, but it'd be awhile till you were back on your feet. Lily would always bring you food and give you kisses till you felt better. She promised you a date when you were out.

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