Night of the Spirits
by sloanranger
Part 16
Angus was almost delirious now, crying over and over: "I'm coming, Cray,' I'm coming."
Suddenly, he lost his grip on the animal. He felt around with his hand for a moment, eyes still shut and groaning.
He heard something then, wild - and growling. And it was close.
The thing attacked suddenly, biting deeply into the calf of his leg. It began chewing on the leg and Angus screamed. The Scot kept screaming. He kicked at the creature viciously but only succeeded in kicking his boot off, allowing the thing to get at his foot.
Shrieking in terror and pain as the animal clamped hold of him, he soon began wailing, trying to crawl to the gravesite as the creature was devouring his foot.
He was still wailing when Missus Crayton found him there the next morning, sitting beside Jeb's grave.
Half of the old drunk's foot was gone, sticking out from his torn brown pants. He kept sobbing repeatedly: "I brought him, Jeb, I brought him."
There was a small, earthen mound beside Jeb's grave.
(To be continued).
Night of the Spirits - @Short Story
Cerita Pendek@SHORTSTORY - Historical Fiction, Horror: Dying man Jeb Crayton, asks his friend Angus, an old Scot who likes his liquor to help his widow after he's gone. Days later, Angus is asked to bury Jeb's dog, Joe. It becomes a horrific task.