First sight of him

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I started making my way out the door to go to school with my everyday tan pants and navy blue polo shirt on. I hate wearing uniform. Tails and Zero were on their way down the steps with the same clothes but different color shirts. Tails wore red and Zero wore her signature color black. After we grabbed our breakfast to go we left. I couldn't help but open it as soon as I walked out the door. It was my favorite. Brown sugar cinnamon pop tarts(^ν^)What!? It's cinnamon with brown sugar!!! They complement each other perfectly(≧∇≦)

On our way to school we see some of the twin's friends. It was like 3 of them, 2 girls, 1 guy. I don't know them so it was kinda awkward most of the walk.. They were talking about what they did last night and what not. They seemed pretty cool and I would like to get to know them...but...would they want to be friends with a lower classmen?

We got to the school after a while of them talking and me just quietly staring back up at one of them then then the ground repeatedly. Most of the time it was that guy. Neither of the twins introduced me to none of them...dirks. He was so...perfect, in my eyes at least. I really wanted to get to know him. Even the other 2 girls because I don't really have any friends in school. It's cause of my shyness. Gah! Why can't I just man up!?

While in my thinking state the bell rang telling us to get to class. I could care less about school. To me, the only other reason why we're her, other than education, is cause our parents don't want us home all day! It's like a daycare where you learn what 1x1 is. Everybody knows its 2 pfft.

All the teachers in my class gave us some paperwork quiz test thing to test our knowledge for the school year?... I finished most of 'em 25 mins early. And class is an hour long. So during my free time I slept or tried to find a how to approach people. And in last class I had a dream about that guy. He was naked and was laying bed!?! He called me over so I nervously walked. He said, "don't be afraid, I won't bite". That kinda eased up my tension a little. And when I go to my bed, he kissed me. That was a complete wake up call for my along with the bell ringing. I didn't want to get up though....heheh, boing

After I slowly put my books away, I hate math, trying to make time for the...tension to...go away I went and found the twins. Luckily their friends weren't with the getting ready to leave me. It'd be an even more awkward walk home if they did. Well, at least if he was with us.

On our walk home we talked about our first day back. Zero's as usual, sucked to her, Tails' day way "epically fun", lol, and I just told them I was sleep after I got done the paperwork thingies.

We got home and went to our room took off those horrible clothes and relaxed. Me and Tails played Super Smash Bros. Brawl while Zero listened to her music. I can never beat him>_< He's just too good with the female characters. It's not fair T^T I went in and told Zero to beat him for me. He said, "What!? You have to get a girl to beat me. A person who plays as girls?! Ha! Who do you think is going to win?"

"Zero is! Her PK power is awesome! (>_>)"

Zero then got up not saying a word and got the controller from me then picked Ness. Tails picked Zelda. It was a 6 man life stock and Zero whopped his Zelda horribly! No hold barred!! She only lost 2 lives and killing his 6!!!.

"I told you! PK power!!*\(^o^)/*" I say yelling giving Zero a big hug from behind. She didn't do anything but give Tails the 'wanna go again' look. He looked at her pissed and quickly chose his next character. This time he went with Zero Suit Samus and said, "Zero is bout to be beat by Zero, oh!" It ended quicker than the match before.. This time she only lost 1 life and he committed sueside twice. "Who's the Zero now?" Zero said blankly. Tails' jaw dropped. He then choose his main, Peach. They duked it out until they were both on one life. It was so close with Peach at 108% and Ness at 74% I knew Zero was gonna win! All he had to do was throw her. But things went down hill when Tails got Zero with a fully charged up smash. Tails jumped in victory and did a pose then started dancing. She interrupted his moment with,"Remach?"

"No!!!! I've has my brawl for today. Thank you".

"Chicken!", I yelled as Zero went back to listening to her music.

"I'm no chicken, I'm just tired".


After that whole moment, our mom called us down to eat baked chicken and shells and cheese. Heh inconvenience...


Yeah....I couldn't resist to add that brawl moment heheh. I'm a game freak, it's what I do. Anyway thanks for reading. More to come soon Sayonara( ^ω^ )

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