The next morning

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"Okay! Today is the day where I'll finally speak up!", I said to my self looking into the bathroom mirror getting ready for school. I just got out of the shower. It was like an hour before we had to leave out the house. I'm an early bird. I also want to be in the bathroom before Zero. She takes forever doing her hair and makeup. And it sometimes makes us late cause me and Tails have to get ready for school too.

After I got done brushing my teeth I wrapped my towl around myself and got ready to leave out the bathroom. As soon as I got out of the bathroom all i see is Tails sprinting to get into the bathroom before Zero. He didn't want to be late either, I could tell. I don't blame him. She stayed at the door and waited for him to finish with a ready to kill face. I went back to the room and got dressed.

I put on my boxer briefs and those stupid useless school clothes(~_~;) Gah! I hate them!!! They're so uncomfortable(>_>)

When I got done I went downstairs for something to eat. On my way down I see Zero wailing on Tails. I couldn't help but laugh. She wasn't really hurting him...I think. I mean I didn't hear any beats come from any if the hits so that's what I suppose.

Downstairs I see mom all ready for work making ego waffles in the toaster and bacon. She turned around and said, "Good morning sweetie. Did you sleep well"?

"Yep", I said making my way to the fridge for some milk. "Did you"?

"Oh yes. I slept like a little baby", she said with a funny settle grin chuckling.

"That's good".

I went and sat at the kitchen table and waited for breakfast to get done. When she got finished toasting the waffles I hear Tails run down the steps. That's how he gets whenever he hears or smells food cooking.

"Fatty", I say as he rushes to a seat.

"Shut it! It's not being 'fat', it's called being hungry".

"Mmhm, whatever you say...greedy", I snickered.

He started to growl at me giving me the 'I'm going to kill you face'. I continued to laugh. That's when mom turned around with our food smiling. "Thanks mom", we both thanked her.

"No problem boys, but hurry up. You only have 30 before school start", she said making Zero's plate. "Tell her to hurry too. I have to get to work now so have a good day at school and don't get into any trouble, kay?"

"Got it mom", Tails said.

"Kay", I said.

We ate our food and about time we got done Zero came down. We only had 13 minuets left or we were going to be late.

She took her time eating not caring about being late. We tried to get her to hurry but knowing her she'll just growl at us evilly.

About time she got finished it was 7:57a.m. We have to be to school by 8:00 no later that 8:15a.m. And it takes us about 15 min to get there regularly. But today we had to hurry.

"Come on! We have to go! I don't wanna be late again", I say rushing Zero. I grabbed her bag and handed it to her after she threw her plate away. Then I rushed them out the door, locked it and speed walked to school.

On our...well my quick walk to school, they were far behind me. Three blocks from home I see that guy just standing on the corner. Was he waiting for us? Or at least them? When I reached him he said,"Hey Akutoshi".

I was surprised and my heart skipped a beat. I replied nervously saying,"h-hey~. I still didn't know his name so it was kind of awkward cause he knew my name and said it.

"I see you're late too", he said smiling.

"Yea-yeah, heheh". I didn't know what to say as usual. But I had to get his name!

He looked back at the twins then said, "I'll walk with you since they're being slow as usual".

My heart no longer shipped every other beat. It raced! "O-oh...okay", my shyness level almost reached 9,000(<_<)

We started walking. I looked at the time on my light brown watch. It was 8:06 and we still had 6 blocks to go before we reached the school. So I asked, "can...we hurry I....don't want to"?

"Okay. You lead I'll follow".

I started to speed walk again and he did follow. He was next to me slightly behind me. It wasn't too long before we got to the school. It was 8:13. It was a quiet walk. I didn't know what to say and me not really saying anything probably has him thinking I don't want to talk to him. But I do. I really do.

"No late room for us", he said smiling. I smiled back as we walked to my class.

"Thanks", I said looking around instead of at him. I couldn't look at him directly or I might become speechless. He has pretty light brown eyes and light brown is my favorite color so I couldn't resist (≧∇≦)

He started walking away saying, "see you next period!"

"Kay", I yelled back. After that I walked in the class room and stared my day.

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