Chapter 3

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  All day I've been thinking about Bentlee. So far he has been in all of my classes except for Advisory. I can't get over the fact that Penny is his girlfriend. I mean why her? There are a lot of other girls (like me) that would die to go out with him.

Just then Penny stopped me, "Did you think about my offer? My birthday would be a flop if you weren't there. I've only invited like five 7th graders. And, I might invite a 6th grader and tell him to bring a friend. Do you think he'd come? I mean he is your brother. " It was a lot to process but I finally got out the words, "Sure I'll come and I will bring Beck." "K, can I get your digits so I can text you some more info?" She said so confidently I was starting to see why Bentlee likes her. "Sure" I then put my info in her contacts "Great! I'll text you the details later." Her and her posse walked away and I noticed their three inch heels. HOW?! Whatever. I then rushed to class cause I had one minute.

When I walked in Beck was talking to Bentlee! Beck motioned for me to come over and he was about to say something when, "I am Mr. Rockle. I see you are sitting by your friends. How lovely? But, that's not happening. Here are your assigned seats." Said Mr. Rockle. I ran up to look at the list. Yes I sit next to Beck. Miracles really do happen. I looked at the other person in our table group. Oh no. It was Bentlee!

We started making paper mache cats, but of course we didn't finish. That's when Penny came up to me. I glanced back to see Beck talking to Mr. Rockle. I was okay, but what did she want? "Where's Beck?" Said the girl on the right with blonde hair and lavender eyes. She looked like she was about to faint. "We were wondering what he said about my party?" asked Penny looking in to see Beck. "He wanted to know who was all going before he made a decision." I lied. "Oh of course, Hazel, Mary, Josh, Payton, and Annie." Answered Penny with a really big smile. "Thanks. I'll let him know. But what about Bentlee? Isn't he your boyfriend?" I said feeling odd and out of place here. "I'm Hazel. I'll be your instructor on the popularity wheel." Said Hazel, the blonde girl who asked where Beck was, changing the subject. Oh well. "And, I'm Mary. I'll be showing you the top guys of the school." Said a more meek girl with brown hair and silver eyes. "Okay thanks" I said weirdly. "I'll tell you about Bentlee at lunch. But, it is lunch and you're sitting with us. OF COURSE your brother can come. I've noticed that you two are close." Penny said. Hinting that she wanted Beck and not me. I was the chopped liver here. I love Beck, but why is he always making life harder for me. Right then Beck walked out. "Hey girls. You guys being nice to my sister?" They nodded in unison as if they obeyed his command. "Cause if you're not I'm there for her." He finished. "I think that's so sweet of you I wish I had a brother like you..." She grabbed his arm and started walking off with my brother. And, her posse following them. Again I felt alone in the universe.

I started walking towards the lunch room. I guess I looked sad, because all the sudden a hand went on my shoulder and I turned to see Bentlee. "Are you alright? You look like you're having a tough day." Bentlee just had to get hotter. "I'm fine. It's just my younger brother has to one up me with everything. He doesn't even mean to either. He's also better at EVERYTHING making me look extremely stupid." I was so pissed that I didn't notice what I was saying. "I'm so sorry. Why don't you come sit with me today." Bentlee said. Oh my gosh why is he just the cutest dang thing.

So, me and Bentlee walked over to an empty table and pulled out our lunches and we ate, we laughed, and we just got to know each other. It was amazing!

"How are you and Penny? She told me that you guys are dating." I asked. He rolled his eyes and said, "We WERE dating, I guess. I liked her and she liked me. I never really asked her out or anything. Then one day I told her that I didn't like her anymore, and she was pissed. But, it's all cool now." He replied. He just went through like five emotions. "Oh, I'm guessing she's the bratty 'obsessed with boys' type of girl?" He didn't even ponder the question before answering "Bingo!" We both laughed and walked out of the lunch room.

"Thanks for cheering me up! My brother can just be a bother sometimes." I said as soon as the bell rang. "No problem. Maybe we can sit by each other tomorrow too."

"Ya totally!"


"Ya. Maybe my brother can be humble enough to join us"

"Maybe, anyway what class do you have next?"

"I have Miss Lemon next."

"No way me too! Let's go before the bell rings so we're not late."

"Okay. Let's go."

As me and Bentlee walked down the hall I noticed Penny and her posse look at us. Penny looked as if we just stole the crown off her head. She was pissed. Miss Lemmon's class is F//8. That's when I saw Beck out of the corner of my eye. He was walking up to me. Winking at a few girls and high fiving some of the guys along the way. He came up next to me and whispered, "Why did you ditch me at lunch? That was so awkward. She's a brat and not my type of girl and she was not being nice to my sister." I looked at him and ever so slightly referred to Bentlee who had stopped to wave to a friend. "Beck, I left you cause I didn't want to sit by them. Plus also I got a better invite that can include you if you want to. And Penny is one of those girls." I whispered, then turned to Bentlee and said, "Sorry, sibling problems" then I turned to Beck and said, "We gotta go to class. See you after school Beck." 

Alice RoseWhere stories live. Discover now