Chapter 5

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Me and Bentlee walked out of the school. Callie was always on time but she was no where to be found. I called her and texted her and, she never replied. Me and Bentlee were just standing there when my moms limo pulled up and our butler Charles stepped out. "Today your mother is here to pick you up because Callie had something come up." Said Charles. This was weird. So me and Bentlee got in and saw my mother on the phone. She was yelling about how a cat isn't part of the mortgage or something. "Sorry about my mom. She's a little much. I thought it would be Callie sorry." I whispered to Bentlee. "Are you kidding me this is great. I've never been in a limo before." He said with excitement in his voice. When my mom got off the phone she started texting. When the car came to a stop, Charles opened the door for her and she stepped out. She didn't even notice me. Oh well. All the sudden my little brother Ollie jumps on my lap. Yelling Ali as he ran out. We had just picked him up from his day care, The Sunshine Critters. Charles then buckled him in his car seat and we headed towards my house. This day is really weird.

When we got to my house, I looked over to see Bentlee staring in awe at my home. I laughed a little and he looked over at me and smiled. My mother looked up from her phone. She then looked at me, looked at Ollie, and looked at Bentlee. "Charles please get the baby out." She then turned to me and Bentlee, "Young man, do you need a ride home or are you a friend of my dauters and staying to hang out with her?" I looked at her, "Mom he's here with me." She nodded and motioned for Charles to bring us inside.

When we got inside my home, Bentlee was even more amazed. I loved it. I then said "First I'll give you a tour of the important rooms of my home, like the Fort Room, The Pool room, The Movie room, the kitchen, the bathroom, my room, Beck's room, and the Physical Activity room." I turned to see his adorable blank face. He then smilled and said, "Let's go then!" He smilled and looked at me and I started walking down the hall. "This is the Fort Room." As the lable said on the door. It was a room with very large ceilings and on each side of the room there was a plasic tree with stepps up it to a flat area. There was also a slide coming down it. One of the trees said 'Alice's fortress' and the other tree said 'Beckham's tree'. On each of the flat areas there was a desk. Mine was pink and floral and Beck's was neon green. There was also a TV, a bookshelf, and a beenbag. We each had a wii with our choice of games. In the middle of the room there was a fooseball table and a pool table. That is my faovorite room in the whole house. We then turned a corner and went to the next room. The pool room. Inside was an indoor pool and hot tub. The floors were sand and grass. And instead of an outside wall on one side, it was glass. And the very big window went all the way to the bottom of the pool. The room had a shower/bathroom in the closer coner of the room. I also enjoy this room. We then took a left turn and came to the movie room. There were five steps with 3 chairs on each step. The chairs were a velvet red color and were fluffy. They were reclinable chairs and were very comfortable. In the back of the room we have a soda machine with literally every soda imaginable. There was a popcorn machine and a candy cubboard. On the left wall we had our movies in alphabetical order. That room is pretty cool too. Next we entered the open kitchen living room space. Our kitchen was large and had an island in the center. I looked at Bentlee who had been silent through this whole tour. "Do you want a snack before we see the rest?" He looked at me and smiled and answered, "Yes!" I leaned over to the home speaker system and spoke into it saying, "Charles. Please come to the kitchen for a snack preparation for two."

Soon enough Charles came into the kitchen. He made us some croissant biscuits with cheese. My favorite. And since Beck likes them to, I saved him one. "Are you ready to see the rest?" I looked over at Bentlee, who was devouring him biscut. "Duh" He said with a smile. The rest wasn't as cool as the first half of the tour. But, oh well. We turned the corner to the guest bathroom. It was painted a tan color and had a plain white toilet and a white sink. It had a filtered family picture on the wall. It's probably the dullest place in the house. We turned around the corner. We past Ollie's play room, but I didn't show Bentlee that disasterous place. Then we came to my room. It's a huge room with my king sized bed centered on the left wall. One wall was painted sparkly gold and it pink letters it said Alice. I had a reading nook in the corner. I also had a pink vanity with all my make-up color cordinated in the drawers. Across from my bed is my huge flat screened TV. It is a Samsung smart TV and it rocks. I have a huge gold chandelier in the middle of my room. On the back wall is my window seat, which I designed. It's a white bench with four box like shelfs on eiher side. The boxes have little glass windows where you can see inside. In each box I have my favorite souvenirs from trips we've been on. The bench is memry foam with black, white, and gold stripped fabric. The under neith part is storage. One of the cubboards slides out for a laptop place, or a place for me to do homework. On the wall by the window is a black tree cutout, but it's just the stems. I have pink paper flowers on it too. Each of the flowers have a name. The name of my friends. Some flowers are balnk though. It's probably my favorite part of my room. "This is my room." I looked over at Bentlee who laghed a little and said, "It's so big I thought is was your parents room. To be honest it's bigger than my parents room." I giggled a little. That's why I love this room! I walked into my room over to my closet. "Dude, your closet is as big as my room. And, my room is normal sized." He said to me with awe all over his adorable face. "I know my dad let me choose the size." I smiled. My closet is like the one in Princess Diaries, or Hannah Montanas. That is what I told my dad to make it look like. I walked over to mine and Becks bathroom. It's a huge bathroom that is just balck and white. It has two sinks on a granite counter. MY sink is pink and his sink is neon green. My side of the counter has pink, black and white decorations. While Becks consist of neon green, silver and black. Our shower is a huge walk in closet that I can literally lay down in. We also have a jacuzzi tiled tub. Me and Bentlee walked over to the other side of the bathroom to the door of Becks room. Becks room is the same as mine but his wall is black with his name in neon green. His vanity is neon green with hair gel, brushes, and combs organised in the drawrs. And his wondow seat is just a bench in the wall with a memory foam pad with a black cover and neon green pillows. His closet is a normal walk in size. "His room is sweet. Dang I wish this was my room!" Bentlee said in almost a whisper. It was more to himself, but I heard. I giggled a little, grabbed his arm and lead him down the hall to the physical activity room. Inside were high cealings and a rock climbling wall in the back. It was a long room with pretty much everthing you'd need to work out. We have weights, one of those bike things, a treadmill, we have a batting cage, a basketball court, and a lot more equipment. In the back we have a wood area with a dance bar and a mirror for me. We also have a sauna and a steam room. The door in the back of the room leads to the back yard. Before we head out I looked at Bentlee who answered, "I'm in love. Like I seriously love with this room." "It's pretty nice to have" I said with a wink and walked out the door. In our back yard we have a volleyball net in a sandy area. And we have a tennis court. When you turn the corner we have a big tramp, and a soccer field. Then we have a play set with some swings, a few slides, a bridge, monkey bars, etc... "Your backyard is cooler than the park." Bentlee said looking at me. I smiled and said, "lets go back to my room. I have someting I want you to do.

When we get back to my room, I go straight to my window seat. I grab a sharpie and hand it to him. I point to a blank flower and explain, "This is my friend tree. All the other flowers are from my old friends. I want my new friends to be on here too. Heres a flower for you to sign." He smiled and took the sharpie. And wrote Bentlee in the best hand writing I've ever seen a boy have. 

After he wrote his name, he said "So Alice, what do you wanna do?" I thought for a moment. We could swim, but he didn't have a swim suit. There's so much to do here yet we have nothing to do. Then, I remebered the game room. "There's one room I forgot to show you! And, we can do something in there." I ran down the hall. I almost forgot we had this room to be honest. I opened the door to the brick walled room. There were 6 tables set up. Three had card games, One had poker, and two were for what ever me and Beckham wanted. There was a fooseball table and in the corner there was a big couch and 4 beenbags in front of a huge TV, which had a football game on at the moment. I walked over to the game closet. "Pick a game." I said to Bentlee. He looked around the wide walk in closet full of almost every board game imaginable. "What about... Um..." He looked around then all of the sudden "Candyland!" He shouted. We took out the board game. I won six times he one four. Then Charles came by the door. It is 5:15 and the young mans father is here. Bentlee stood up and smiled at me. Why is he so perfect? "Bye Alice. Thanks for inviting me over. See you tomorrow." He walked over to Charles and Charles led him away. 

I walked down to the fort room and climbed up the tree. I slumped into my beanbag and turned on the TV. It was 6:10 when Beckham finally came home. Me and him were both in the fort room. He was playing wii with his head set on talking to his new friends. Why does he have it so good. I looked down at my phone. Nothing. I was bored out of my mind. Finally at 6:30, as always, Charles came on the speaker and announced that dinner was ready. Beck said goodbye to his friends and we both slid down our slides. 

When we got to the dinner table, Callie wasn't there. Callie hadn't been there all day. She lives here and she's our nanny. She is always here. Something is difinetly going on. My dad was sitting at the table and had just got off the phone when my mom came in and sat down. It had been a long time since we all were at the table together. Ollie was in his high chair eating peas. I liked us all together, but this had to mean somethings off. Me and Beck exchanged nervous looks. Charles brought out our food which was baked mac n cheese. Mac n cheese is mine and Beck's favorite food. It's only made when our parents are telling us something big. We had mac n cheese when they told us we were moving. After we ate. Yes in silence. My mom said, "We need to have a talk. As you may have noticed, Callie is not here tonight. She is in the hospital right now. She went to get a check up, and the docter said he thinks she has a tumor. So Callie went into sugery. She has stage four lung cancer. She has to start chemotherapy next  month. I know this is going to be hard for you guys, so I'm taking time off work to stay home." I felt the tears coming on. I just ran to my room. I just wanted to shut the world out. I didn't want anyone or anything. I just went straight to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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