Smoke. //Harry Styles//

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His eyes were captivating, his lips were lovely. His hair was curly, he was perfection. He purposely didn't fit in, he was waiting for that one person to come to him. Finally, someone decides they want to talk to this perfectly imperfect boy. He was a bad influence, she didn't mind. She just wanted him. He was all she wanted, all she hoped. And Harry wants to deny just how much he feels the same, he might even care more. He was waiting for a friend, not a lover, even though she's perfect. He thought. Harry knows he needs her, she was his personal drug. He couldn't get enough of her.

He knows how he feels about her deep down, the way his eyes go from their bright, hypnotizing green to their dull, cold jade when he sees her simply chatting with another male. The way he acts possessive of her, and even though he hasn't asked her or told her, he knows she's his. Just like she wishes she was his. But, he didn't wanna drag her into his world. That is the only reason he stuck out. He wanted a real friend. In his dangerous world a guy could use a good companion.

But it happened.

She was brought into his world of crime and drugs.  Not that she minded, Harry's over-protective ways shielding her from the real danger, his possessiveness protecting her perfectly when she would follow him to a meeting.

They were perfect for each other, even though they both wouldn't have thought it at first.

So, this is the story on how Harry fell in love with Chandler. As did she, of course.

Smoke. //Harry Styles//Where stories live. Discover now