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"I didn't mean to interrupt your writing," I apologized, once again as I picked up my things from the seat. I grabbed my drink from the table, almost tripping as it's appearing I can't carry multiple things at once. "It was nice to have company." He chuckled deeply, grasping my upper arm to help me steady. We'd talked for a hour at least, given as Lou only came back for a brief moment to hand me my drink before dunking back to his Barbie.

My eyes flickered towards him, sighing as I knew I was walking home. I can never count on Lou, for anything. "I...I can give you a ride," He almost whispered, opening the door for me, letting me slip through under his arm. "I don't want to burden you, really. I should probably stop by my new complex; it's just down the block." I smiled, pulling the jacket over my shoulder. "Well, since I want to see you again, maybe seeing this complex will interest me for benefit." My eyebrows raised as I looked up at him, given my cowardly height. "You should know, I don't put out until the third date." I joked, pushing him with my elbow. I would never act like this with someone I've just met, but this boy seems special. Like, he's seen things. Been through things, and I want to know them. He chuckled as we walked down the narrow sidewalk, linking his arm with mine. Yes, I swear I've never met this boy before. "I could get used to having a friend like you." He gushed, nudging his elbow  into mine. Oh, a friend. My body tensed slightly at the thought, my fingers twitching from my side. This is silly, I just met him, he could be a hitman from the mob. Ok, that's a bit far fetched. "Me too."

I clicked down on the bell in the lobby, awaiting to see Sarah, the complex agent, or whatever. "Darling!" She gushed, rushing around from the desk to bring me into a back breaking hug. "And who is this?" She questioned, staring at the hunk beside me. "This is my new best friend, Harry." I greeted, pointing towards the confused boy beside me. "And, Harry, this is Sarah. She's tying the knots with me on a flat in this complex." "Harry! Hello! Aren't you just madly adorable." That was Sarah, overly upfront about everything. Harry grinned, slightly uncomfortable. "Why don't we show your new boy toy your new flat?" She smirked, dangling the keys in front of me. "You got them to sign? You're my favorite person in the world, I swear!" I screeched, holding her tightly to me. "Hey, hey. Designer shirt!" I backed off, rolling my eyes. "I can NOT believe you got them to sign off for me in such a short time." I enthuse, jumping up and down. "That's me, I can accomplish anything." Garsh, she's so vain. I grasp the keys from her, staring at it like it's gold. "So, are you going to show me your new flat?" Harry asks from beside me, drawing me out of my daze with my lover, keys.

Sarah draws us down the hallway, walking backwards so she can talk to us. "You're going to love it, I made them pre-furnish it." My jaw drops, once again. A huge weight lifted from my shoulders. "I love you, I love you, I love you." I sigh, praising her. Her fingers point to a door, and I can't hide the thick smile forming to my face as I slide the key into the slot. I realize I'm going slow, savoring the moment before I quickly turn it, pushing the door open.

"Woah," I gasp, looking at the large flat. White walls, decorated with uncertain patterns from the previous owner, a black couch, love-seat , and recliner is placed in the middle. I don't bother asking her how she got me such high quality pre-furnishments, but I'm grateful. There's an island, separating the living room from the kitchen, and yet again my mind is running on how she got me such high quality. There's a black fridge, tiled surface, black sink, and black island chairs. It's becoming painfully obvious the color schemes for this flat.  I turn around and grin at her, crossing my arms. "I need to give you a raise." I sigh, looking towards the steps. I raise my eyebrows at her, knowing most flats in this complex don't have an upstairs. "Are you going to explore?" She questions from behind me. I shake my head, grabbing Harry's hand and dragging him up the steps with me. The upstairs hallway is short, only three rooms being maintained. I open the first door, finding it to be the bedroom. To no surprise, the wall is white, black swirls painting the walls. There's a bed pressed against the wall in the middle of the room, and it has a black comforter. These people were serious about their colors. "Weren't they creative picking colors." Harry mumbles, clasping down to the bed. "It is pretty simple, but I like it." I mumble, leaving him in the room. I don't bother looking in the rest of the rooms, saving them for later. I travel back downstairs, and Sarah has that stupid, beautiful smirk on her face. "You love it?" She asks, and I nod, grinning wildly at her.


"Thanks for the ride home, Harry." I laugh, grabbing my jacket. "Anytime, Chandler." He smiles, and reach for the handle. "Wait," He gasps, grabbing my arm. "Can I have your number?" I nod, releasing the handle. He hands me his phone, and I give him my own. I quickly add my contact, adding tons of emojis beside it. He hands me back mine, and I exchange his. "I'll see you soon, Chandler." I nod once again, slipping from the large vehicle. A short shudder swarms through my small frame, the cold seeping through my jacket and sweat shirt. I jog up to the door, quickly entering. The warmth of my home warms me immediately. I sigh, slipping off my jacket and kicking off my Uggs. "How was your time with Louis?" My mother hollers from the kitchen, and I can smell the dinner she's cooking. I tense slightly, walking to the kitchen. "It was fun, but I stopped by the complex on my way home." I tell her casually,  wanting to surprise her. "Oh? What'd Sarah say?" She questions as she seasons her pasta. "Oh, just that she got me the flat." I sigh, and I hear her drop the seasoning. "What?" She whispers. Woah, she's about to squeal. Is it really that big of a deal? It's not like I'm getting accepted to Harvard.

"I said, Sarah got me the apartment." I say excitedly, and she jumps up and down, pulling me into a tight hug. "Congratulations, sweetie! Travis, get in here! She got the flat!" "Mum, it's not a big deal." "Boul, this is the first thing you've done, and got all on your own. Plus, it's your first place away from home! It's a BIG deal!" "She's right, kiddo. Congratulations." He sighs, and I know he's not even half as excited as my mother. "Thanks, daddy."

"Well, let's get packing! I want you all packed up by Thursday, but I wanna see it tomorrow." My mother squeaks, pushing me towards the stairs. Such motherly love.


Yes, this is a short and sweep filler chapter! I'M SORRY! I've been so busy, and I haven't uploaded in like two months. PLEASE forgive me? The chapters coming up will be longer, and more detailed. And better. I PROMISE! Just stick with me on this terrible chapter, would you baby? I PROMISE BETTER ONES TO COME. I LOVE YOU GUYS.

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