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AN: You think it’s kind of  boring isn’t it ? Well, prepare to read my next chapter (note the sarcasm!!!)…sorry for the late update but I’ll try mu best just to update, so remember to vote, comment, or be a fan. Seriously I also felt bored for the first but I need to add colors and squeal on it.

 So here it goes xD

hehehehe ^o^ J <3

I- (best buddy)

I finally manage to walk to my crush!! Wohoo! ^0^

I didn’t show any feelings or nervous to him. I just talk to him really smooth, actually the thing that made me talk to him is that he had just broke up with her girlfriend…I talked to him and It’s finally worked I made him looked happy, though he’s in a real situation… hmmm after that we talked and talked and that time we are now………… you can say


That’s what he said in front of me when we talked

He said “ I think we should be………

“BEST BUDDIES” I mean I don’t have many friends I mean Best friends, but you’re the one who always cheers me up….

“Ok Then” I replied with a simple smile to him


OMG!….  Did I just blushed?

I mean my face got redder.. I  mean really red…

Then I turn myself back and hiding my red face from him and it’s so awkward you know.

So now you know it….hahaha


Its already enrollment day and my mom said that she’ll be the one who will enroll me… I don’t know why but it’s her choice…and I also agreed with it … but I really want to go with them because I want to see new classmates this year… will be a surprise you know…hehe

Okay so its already school time………

Wait tomorrows first day of class….OMG!!!

I need to prepare my things and plans….. I mean not actually plans but let’s say my plans okay.


Gosh! Good thing I finally manage to prepare my things and “schedules” but I hope this will be a happy day for me. I skipped breakfast and off to school early, my gosh! why did I skip breakfast when I have a lot of time… Hmmmmp.

Okay I’m at school now!!! Sarcastically said to myself like teenage jerk or whatever.

 I was about to walk to our campus when I suddenly felt excitement.

“I’m excited today” again I said to myself sarcastically like a total idiot.

I’m now in front of the door, slowly moving and looking inside if what is happening right now. I got in and then…….

Hey Kate!!!!

Who was that? I  said then looked at the back seats and saw my…


It was so awkward!!! But wait, my old classmates are still my classmate this year, I mean gosh! I thought we will be separated this school year.

I was already searching a seat and, I found one! I can see two vacant seats and I sat on the right column of the chair. But still waiting for someone to be a companion. I took a seat but before that….

“Hey Kate”

“Who’s that?” I asked awkwardly then turned back and saw…

Four boys smiling at me like they were like angels… and unfortunately the awkward thing is that, they we‘re my crush MY FOUR LITTLE BOYS!!!!

Seriously I usually call them that name, sometimes I call them my babies!!  Sarcastically in front of them, I know it’s a little bit korny but they said it sort of fits, you’ll understand me can you. Well they shouted my name in chorus and it was so awkward… I mean really, in chorus. 0____0

Everyone was looking at me now. Really awkward everyone, really awkward!!! But wait my four crushes are still my classmates! And no one even separated. Well I guess they are meant for me… hahaha assuming!!!

After saying hi to me… I think they are waiting for my I turned backwards and said,

 “HEY BOYS!!!” I said to all of them and turn again. That’s it?  I mean they greeted me in chorus and put effort on it and I just said “hey boys” I mean what happened…. What’s wrong with me. I gave them a cute smile and I just act normal and simple. But inside is that….. “I’m blushing” huhuhu

I took a seat again and relax for just a few minutes I mean it’s not yet permanently arranged seats. So, just relax and come down. Think of what will happen today after having a relaxation because I still have … maybe 20 minutes before flag ceremony. I look around and saw…

Xavier… wait what’s he doing?

Oh, he’s playing a guitar. Wait Xavier plays a guitar..he’s so hot and cute….hihihihi

After I decided to go to him and take a good look at him and said.


 “Hey” he replied while strumming the guitar.

“Do you know how to play guitar?” I suddenly asked to him.

“No” then he replied to me with a smirk but still strumming the guitar.

Awkward 0_____0………… so I only watch him play the guitar even though he does not know how to play one… maybe some sort of a serenade. As I observe him.

“I thought you don’t know how to play a guitar?” I asked him and confused.

“Yeah, a little bit” he then answered me with a smirk nad gave me a simple yet fresh smiles (blushing) haha….

“So I was wondering if you would….”

“Teach you how to play guitar?” he cuts my words but how did he know? Oh it’s obvious you know. ( BLUSHING!)

Why does he always make me smile and BLUSH all the time.


I felt nervous and chills to the bones..

He grabs my hand and gave me a seat.. as he strums the guitar … he told me basic chords actually  I’m not paying attention to him… I secretly looked at his face…

Before I strum the guitar


What!!! I didn’t make any sound and the bell rang… I was having a moment with my crush. DAMN!!!

FRUSTRATED… but still I had a little time with my crush…wait!!!,,,I thought I still have 20 minutes…o well there are times that world goes slower and sometimes faster..

A/N: sorry for wrong grammars everyone!!!!!!

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