The Forgotton Poets And Forgotten Past

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We scream for help but no one hears our cries.

Soon we get tired of yelling and our voice just dies.

No one knows how I feel because I keep it all inside.

I need to put on a fake smile; so many times I've tried.

No one can see the dark inside of me.

You tell me I need to open up and I agree.

But every time I open my gates,

You tear me up and I get drug down by all the weight.

I'm driving myself insane from all of the stress.

I look fine on the outside but inside I'm a mess.

I wrote my feelings on a piece of crumpled paper.

Now that it's off of my chest I can float away with the water vapor.

I can now disappear from the place I've been stuck in.

I can walk away from the wire I've been waking on that's so thin.

I can create a new me and a new life.

I can now ignore the words that cut sharp like a knife.

-Ashtin Dee Harrison

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