James Cassells - The Bus Crash

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James’ POV

We were driving down the motorway to Rock City, Nottingham. It seemed like a normal day spent travelling. I was sat with Cameron and Ben watching something on TV when the bus switched in to the other lane, almost hitting another car.

“Pablo, watch it." Ben yelled through to the driver. About a minute later the bus switched back in to the other lane. I guess Pablo must have just over taken something. The bus then switched back in to the other lane again.

“What the fuck is he doing?" Cam asked. I sighed.

“I’ll go check it out." I stood up and walked through the door to the front of the bus.

“Hey Pablo, what the hell are you do-." I couldn’t even finish my sentence before the bus swerved violently in to the barrier. I lost my balance and hit my head on the door frame. Hard. My body became limp and crumpled to the floor from the force of the blow. The bus came to a very abrupt stop which caused everyone to fly forwards. I rolled closer to the steps near the door and ended up falling down them. My body lay in a mess at the bottom. There was blood pouring from a large cut on my forehead. The next thing I saw were sparks and I heard the sound of metal on metal. The bus flipped on to its side before coming to a stop about one hundred feet along the road. I could smell the burnt rubber from the tires and a very strong scent of diesel. There was an intense heat coming from the back of the bus. I saw all of the guys running towards me. They weren’t hurt. Pablo on the other hand died on impact. 

I began to drift in and out of consciousness.

“James, stay with us mate." Ben said while they were trying to get out of the bus. Luckily the windscreen had shattered so it made it easier to get out. They carried my limp body out of the bus and laid it on the ground as far away from the bus as possible. About a minute after we had reached safety the bus burst in to flames. Everyone just stared as the flames engulfed the bus. I began to cough violently, I couldn’t breathe.

“G-Guys, c-can’t breathe." I wheezed. They turned to stare at me.

“Someone call an ambulance." Danny yelled at no one in particular. Sam pulled out his phone and dialled 999. The last thing I heard was Sam speaking to the operator.

Sam’s POV 

I dialled 999 and waited for someone to pick up. Eventually someone did pick up.

“999, what is your emergency?" A female voice said through the speaker.

“Um, we need an ambulance my friend. He can’t breathe." I said. I heard an explosion from behind me. “And a few fire trucks, our bus is on fire." I said quickly.

“Ok sir, the emergency services are on their way. Please stay calm and don’t panic." She spoke calmly down the phone before disconnecting. I crouched down beside James.

“The ambulance is on its way James; you’re going to be fine." I whispered. He was unconscious and barely breathing. We all watched his chest rise and fall weakly. Suddenly it stopped moving.

“JAMES!" We all yelled. Danny shoved us all out of the way and began chest compressions.

“COME ON JAMES! COME ON!" Danny yelled. I saw the flashing lights of the ambulance. I signalled them over.

“Hurry the fuck up." I yelled to them. They ran through the carnage with the trolley. They laid it down next to James and gently put him on it. Danny let one of the paramedics take over the chest compressions. They wheeled James away to the ambulance and loaded him in. We all watched nervously as one of our best friends was being driven to a nearby hospital. About five minutes later our tour manager turned up and drove the rest of us to the hospital James was being treated at. We all ran in to the reception area. I walked over to the front desk.

“Excuse me, do you know anything about James Cassells. He was just bought in." I said quickly. She started scrolling through her computer. She stopped for a moment and looked up sincerely.

“He’s stable for now but he has a serious concussion and has inhaled a lot of smoke and fumes." She explained. I just nodded.

“There is a note that he can’t have any visitors yet so if you could just take a seat for me I will tell you when you can see him." She finished, I nodded and took a seat knowing that this would be a long night.


I had just got off my break when my pager went off. It read…

Cardiac Arrest Patient on the Way Room 101

As soon as I read it I ran halfway across the hospital just to reach the patient quickly. I skidded around the corner just as the patient was being wheeled in to room 101. I ran through the door to be greeted by the concerned faces of the Cardiac Arrest team.

“You know the drill. Charge to 100." I commanded, immediately taking control of the situation. The person manning the machine charged it and handed the paddles to me.

“Clear." I yelled. Everyone stopped and took a step back as I placed the paddles on the man’s tattooed chest and pressed the button which released the charge. No response.

“No response doctor." A nurse relayed to me.

“Charge to 150." I commanded. The team did as I said.

“Clear." I yelled again. They all took a step back as I repeated the process. The man’s heart started to beat again. I breathed a silent sigh of relief.

“Good work. Julie give him a shot of diazepam and keep him under close observation. I want to know of any changes." Julie nodded.

“What’s his name?" I asked out of pure curiosity.

“His name is James Cassells." She said calmly. “He looks familiar." I said.

“I know. (Y/N) you should go and see if anyone is here for him." I nodded and left the room with one more glance at the familiar face. I walked down to reception with my clipboard and spoke to the receptionist.

“Hey Maggie, anyone here for a man called James Cassells?" I asked her. She looked up at me and nodded.

“See those four guys over there." She said pointing over to the corner of the waiting room. I nodded.

“Them. One of them asked me about him about an hour ago." She stated. I nodded and smiled.

“Thanks Maggie." I said before walking over to the four men. I stood in front of them.

“Hello there, I’m Doctor (Y/L/N). Are you here for James Cassells?" I asked calmly. They all looked at me. Why do they look so familiar?

“Y-Yeah." One with ginger hair spoke up.

“Well, James was in cardiac arrest as you know, we managed to revive him and we have given him a shot of diazepam." I paused for a second. They looked stunned.

“You can go and see him now." I finished. They nodded and stood up. I showed them the way to the ward he was on.

“He’s in room 101. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to come and find me." I said before going to fill out James’ chart. When I was filling out his chart one of James’ friends walked over to me. I looked up and saw it was the one with the family first tattoo.

“Um, do you need any information about James?" He asked politely. I nodded.

“Firstly what’s your name?" I asked him.

“Ben." He replied. I nodded.

“Ok, is James allergic to anything?" I asked. He shook his head. We continued to go through the note sheet until I had all of the information I needed.

“Thanks for your help." I said. He smiled. I walked in to James’ room to see him awake.

“Ah you’re awake." I said casually. He groaned.

“What the fuck happened?" He asked. I smiled.

“You were very lucky. You were in cardiac arrest but my team managed to revive you." I stated clearly. He nodded in shock.

“Well, now that you are awake I need to do a few tests to check that your senses are stable." I said. I heard one of his friends wolf whistle. James gave them all death glares. They quickly left the room.

“Sorry about my band mates, they’re a bit immature." He said. I laughed a little.

“I’ve had worse." I stated through a giggle.

“So, you know my name but I don’t know yours." He said seductively.

"(Y/N)." I said quickly before beginning his sensory tests. Once I had finished I found that he was all clear.

“You’re all clear." I spoke with slight confidence. He smiled widely.

“I recognise you from somewhere." I said out loud. He looked puzzled then he just laughed.

“I wouldn’t be surprised at all love. I’m the drummer for a band called Asking Alexandria." He stated. That’s where I recognised him from. I laughed and smiled.

“Well James, I think you can go home today." I stated clearly. A wide grin formed on his face and he punched the air.

“Great." He literally yelled. I laughed at his excitement. He suddenly calmed down. He dug in to his back pocket and pulled out a piece of paper.

“Here’s my number. Text me some time." He said before getting up and walking out of the hospital room. I turned around and just stared, wide mouthed. That did not just happen. I just got James Cassells number. 

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