Vic Fuentes - Deaths On Halloween

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Tonight was the 31st October, Halloween. You and Vic were going out to a party in the woods. Even though you were adults you still enjoyed the excitement of dressing up so that’s what you did. You were dressed up as a serial killer covered in blood and Vic was dressed up as Ghost Face from Scream. You couldn’t wait until darkness fell. Tonight was going to be amazing. Or so you thought. At exactly seven o’clock you and Vic headed to the woods. When you and Vic arrived lots of bands from warped tour were there. Some of them like Sleeping With Sirens and Asking Alexandria you recognised but others you had never seen before. Everyone was buzzing with excitement. About half an hour later, Jake and Ashley from Black Veil Brides announced that you were all going to play hide and seek.

“Ok guys, game time. We’re going to play hide and seek. You have to get in to teams of four.” They yelled above the chatter of band members. You and Vic teamed up with James Cassells who was dressed as a demon and Ben Bruce who was dressed as a dead clown from the band Asking Alexandria. You smiled at the prospect. You had become friends with the guys on warped tour this year.

“Ok, so me, Jake, Andy and Ashley will count to 100 and you all have to hide.” CC yelled.  Everyone nodded in confirmation.

“Ok, go.” He yelled again. Everyone took off running in their groups. You, Vic, James and Ben ran through some bushes which were directly behind the centre. We kept running for about five minutes until we couldn’t hear the sound of counting anymore.

“Should we climb the trees? We would have a good view.” Ben whispered. We all nodded. By now our eyes had adjusted to the darkness so we could see a little bit. You all looked around to find a sturdy tree to climb.

“Found one.” James whisper yelled. We ran over to him and began to climb the tree. We all made it to the top just as we heard voices from down below.

“Dude, I’m telling you. I heard something from over here.” A voice that sounded a lot like Ronnie Radke said. He wasn’t counting. You could feel your grip on the branch of the tree begin to slip. You had become unstable. The voices were now right beneath you and the guys.

“Guys I’m slipi-.” You whisper yelled before falling out of the tree and hitting the ground with a thud. You must have startled the guys from Falling In Reverse because they all screamed like girls. You got up and dusted yourself off before laughing at them.

“That wasn’t funny (Y/N).”Ryan whisper yelled. You could barely keep your balance.

“Yeah, it was.” You said while trying to stifle your laughter. Next thing you knew there were three other thuds next to you as the rest of the guys jumped down from the tree. All was silent until twigs started to snap from behind you. Everyone went deadly silent the only sound to be heard was twigs snapping and the rapid breaths coming from you and the guys.

“What was that?” You whispered. Everyone had fear in their eyes. There was a sound that sounded like the click of a gun. Your eyes were wide. You glanced around at the guys. They were all thinking the same thing.

“Run.” Ronnie yelled out as a shot was fired. Luckily it didn’t hit anyone. You all ran through the woods as fast as you could. No one realised that there was a steep hill in front of you until it was too late. You all tumbled down, hitting tree stumps and bushes on the way down. Another shot was fired a few seconds after you all fell. There was an ear piercing screech from near you. It was Derek. The whole situation was mayhem. First Derek. Then Jacky. Then Ronnie, Ben and James. Soon it was only you, Vic and Ryan still alive.

“I officially hate Halloween.” Ryan claimed. You and Vic nodded in agreement. You heard the footsteps of the gunman get closer to you. Suddenly you had an idea.

“Play dead.” You whisper yelled to Ryan and Vic. They did just that. You all let your bodies go limp and collapse in to heaps on the floor. You were all extremely lucky. The gunman walked right past you all and further away from the place of the shooting. No one dared to move. After about half an hour you moved a little and poked your head up. No gunman in sight.

“Vic? Ryan? I think he’s gone.” You whispered. They both poked their heads up and glanced around nervously. You all stood up slowly, careful not to make any noise. You tiptoed back to where all of your friend were laying on the ground motionless and bleeding.

“Do you think that they’re still alive?” Ryan whispered. You looked at him and shrugged solemnly.

“I don’t know, let’s check.” You said. They both nodded. You walked over to Ben and James. No pulse. You had to choke back the tears that threatened to spill. You then walked over to Jacky and were about to take his pulse when in one swift movement he had you on your back and pinned you to the ground.

“Jacky. It’s me you twat.” You whispered. He looked at you before letting you go.

“Sorry.” He mumbled. “I thought you were that guy.” You gave him a sad smile. Ryan came running over to you two.

“Jacky you’re ok. I thought you were gone baby.” Ryan whispered. You sat there shocked at Ryan’s little outburst. Jacky saw the look on your face.

“She didn’t know Ryan.” He mumbled to his lover. Ryan flushed a deep red.

“Oops.” He said. You smiled slightly, but it quickly changed in to a frown. Vic walked over to you.

“Anyone else?” You asked. He shook his head solemnly. Then he noticed Jacky. He looked really confused.

“I thought you were dead.” He said quietly. Jacky shook his head.

“Played dead.” He said in his British accent. You suddenly had an idea.

“Guys we need to get back to the centre.” They all looked at you and nodded in agreement. You began the confusing walk back to the centre. It took a while but eventually you all got back. You saw the worried faces of everyone as you walked through the undergrowth.

“Where have you been?” CC questioned. His anger faded when he saw the state the four of you were in. You hadn’t realised until now that you and the others were covered in blood that wasn’t your own. Everyone’s mouths were agape. You all looked down at the ground.

“Where are Ben and James?” Danny asked with a worried expression. You looked deep in to his eyes and replied with one word.

“Dead.” Everyone gasped.

“W-What?” He asked.

“They’re dead Danny. They were shot by some crazed bloke as were Ronnie, Derek and Ron.” Vic took over the speaking. Everyone was silent.

“How did you guys survive?” Ashley asked questioningly.

“We played dead.” Jacky said quietly. No one could believe it.

“Someone call the cops, that sick fuck is still out there.” Andy demanded. Ashley pulled out his phone and dialled 911. Within 10 minutes the cops arrived and searched the entire forest. They found the guy stuck up a tree. They took him away in the back of a cop car. About an hour later the morgue van pulled up and loaded the bodies of the dead band members in to the back to be taken away. A few weeks later there was a mass funeral service for everyone who died that night. Thousands turned up to witness the burial of not only the dead band members but also the bands that they were a part of. Asking Alexandria couldn’t continue as they were constantly reminded of that fateful night. Falling In Reverse couldn’t continue either as only Jacky and Ryan remained. But some good did come in the aftermath of that terrible event which would be embedded in the mind of everyone present that night. Jacky and Ryan decided to get married as they thought that there was no time like the present and (Y/N) and Vic conceived quintuplets whom they named after the fallen band members. The rest of the bands continued on with their musical pursuits but they never forgot about the band members who lost their lives. But all the while they continued on with their lives the fallen band members watched over them from their places in heaven. They kept everyone safe until the day that they died and joined them in heaven. 

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