As you walk downstairs and realized that you and Bill has officially been Boyfriend and Girlfriend for about 4 months and you were used to Bills little suprisingly wake up calls but today he was nowhere to be seen. It was new years eve and you and him were going to a party at your friends house. Knowing Bill loved parties he wasn't around to pester you to know when you were going to the party. 5:30 p.m. still no sign of Bill until you hear crying coming from your basement. You grab a kitchen knife and slowly walk downstairs. You see an box with your name written a heart shaped tag. It was from Bill. The crying sounded animal like and didn't know what to expect as you slowly open the box a little blonde white fired cat jumped out of the bow on to your lap. "Happy new years eve." Bill snuck up behind you. You jump. You lay the cat down and give Bill a hug. Bills grip on you seemed tight.
As you and him arrive at the party you were so exited that since you were 19 and your parents let you go on your own now with Bill you both slowly walk inside. Your friend walks up to you and hugs you. "( Y/N) how are you?!" "Great!!" You replied. "So where did Bill go?" You didn't know who to respond but then you told her you'll see her later you run off to find Bill. As you run out side and around to the back yard you see Bill and someone who looked like Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter. Bill wrapped his arms around the boy you hear deep sobbing and you listen closet to there conversation. "B-Bill you lied you said it just going to be me you and Alcor. I don't want her to take you away from me. Brendon already took Alcor away now your leaving me to?!?!?" You realized what was happening you remember that Alcor has been wearing a wedding ring. So that made you think Bill will propose to you TONIGHT.