Of Whiskey and Wine.

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Esme had been at home, on a nice winters day. Carlisle hadn't had to go to work but he had a lunch function he had to attend, Esme knew of this but she wanted to hope that this afternoon late, that they'd be able to spend a little time alone together, before the kids got home from school. Esme wanted to get some more things for the house, in particular her and Carlisle's room. She wanted a gorgeous antique bed, for them. She wanted something special for their upcoming 100th year anniversary. Ever since the event with the Volturi about Renesmee, after learning Carlisle and Jasper lost their lives. Esme had become very protective of Carlisle, and got very worried when he wasn't home when he said he would be. It was an adjustment period for all of them, they all had become more appreciative of their home, and family. 

Carlisle had already left for lunch, he sat their picking at the large chicken Alfredo they had ordered him, along with a side of bread. Did they think he did not eat? Precisely what they thought. Carlisle tried to partake in the conversation as much as he could. But they were talking about dating, and boyfriends. "Do you have a girlfriend, Dr Cullen?" 

Esme was down the street, her heart dropped when she heard that comment - girlfriend, no silly he had a wife. She grinned when she heard his reply. "No, Sarah." He could see her excitement, "I am very happy with my wife." 

Sarah's face fell, before she laughed. "Like I would believe that Doctor Cullen." He eyed her, and then his hand. "A charade." another said. "You could be gay." One male nurse, suggested wiggling his brows. "No, I really am married her name is Esme." he deadpanned. They all went back to eating and so did he.

Esme rounded the corner into the designer shop, unknowingly getting the attention of a needy desperate homeless man. As Esme picked out the various things, for her and Carlisle's room and picked up a few things she saw that she thought their children would like.

As she had the stuff ordered and placed to go to their home, she left the design shop heading towards the cafe, she knew Carlisle was there but she was only going to smile and walk past. She knew someone was behind her, but that was normal for being in public. She reached in view of the cafe, and Carlisle had his back to the window. She jumped up suddenly with a gasp as  the man rubbed her ass, "Why don't you have a firm behind, Baby?" 

"Do not touch me." Esme said, firmly. Stepping back fully, Carlisle wanted to desperately want to turn around, but he knew where his table was situated wouldn't be able to hear the exact words, but he did tense up, which his nurses noticed. Esme knew why he couldn't turn around, but she couldn't quite see him either which worried her more. This man reminded her of that harrowing time with Charles.

"But how could I not, you're alone and beautiful, and I'm gorgeous," He really stunk and looked horrible. "I could really fuck you into oblivion." He pulled her closer his arms wrapped around her. "Let me kiss away that worry." 

Esme whimpered, "Please don't, get off me!" She screamed. Carlisle was up off his seat and exited the cafe and gripped the man tightly from the back of the neck. "Get your hands off my wife, before I rip your head off." His voice dark, and menacing the man let her go and she stumbled back. Carlisle flung him at human strength down the road. The nurses all watching him, in awe of him helping a lady. Falling in love with him a little more. He turned to Esme, his arms out immediately. "I am sorry, I'm here, you're safe. I've got you." As he said that she flew into his arms, legs quickly wrapped around his waist and arms around his neck and her head in his neck. Her instinct was to get closer enough to her safe place, and that was Carlisle. The nurses gaped at her, glaring. Until they saw Carlisle start to hold her up and wrap his arm around her back and kiss her hair. "I'm here my love. Come inside with me." He carried her in, and kept his head near hers. "He said... things he said." Carlisle shushed her as he reached the table, the male doctor who knew Esme pulled his chair out enough for her to be with him, too. They were all quiet. No one ever used Carlisle. "But, Carlisle." Esme spoke. 

"No, he's not going to hurt you. I won't let them hurt you. No one will ever hurt you." He watched her look at him, "I should go, I ruined your lunch." She said, and the nurses nodded. Esme wanted to glare but she respected Carlisle more. Carlisle glared at them. "No, I don't want you to go. You can stay, right, Adrian?" he asked the doctor who called this lunch. "Of course, you're welcome to stay Mrs Cullen." The nurses then gaped, as he got her a chair next to Carlisle and she sat down looking at Carlisle who kept a hand on her the entire time, he put some of his chicken Alfredo. He watched her look at it, then he fed her some, "I know baby." he whispered at vampire level. She smiled and ate it. 

"What were you doing in town, beloved?" asked Carlisle. "I was getting some more antiques for our home, and a surprise for you." She spoke. His eyes raised, "Did you really?" He asked. "Yes, our ten year anniversary is coming up." She smiled, dearly. "I know," they really meant 100 years. "Will the children see this gift?" he inquired. "It's one for our bedroom, you'll see it in a few days." she grinned. "I really know you'll love it." Carlisle smiled, so dearly at her the nurses were jealous that one tutted. "I thought you wouldn't sleep together." glared one. Carlisle coughed, "Our sex life has nothing to do with you, but if you must know we have sex more than four times a week." He spoke. He looked at Esme, "The day I met her, I knew she was the one for me. Even though we can't have a child of our own; we enjoy helping our children that we adopted from rocky times in their life and letting them have a better life. My wife is barely seen around town is because she is caring for them, and making sure they are all looked after." Esme smiled at his lovely words, but was affronted that they thought that she was a phantom wife, just there for show.  

 Carlisle to seemingly proved a point, and to help calm Esme; he leaned over and kissed her deeply. She held his neck gently and kissed back. "You don't need to prove to them I am your wife, I very much know that I'm your wife." she spoke. "I'm tired of hearing that you're a phantom wife, just for show." He frowned, "You're very much real, and you're very much loved by me. I'm sick of the jealousy. Bitchy comments." He spoke. Finally airing his frustration at the nurses. "It irritates me that I force myself to smile at you all. Stuff does get back to me." 

Once lunch was finished, Carlisle excused himself for the day and went home with his wife for some long overdue 'I'm yours, your mine' passionate love making. 


Might make this a series of one-shots where either Carlisle or Esme get jealous of people... And protective. 

A:N I know this isn't a good story. The idea I had didn't play out as well as I thought, but the next chapters will. :) 

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