Nerida Riddle, daughter of the Dark Lord - Chapter 8

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I woke up before sunrise to hear a lot of noise downstairs, and my mother shaking me. She looked very happy, which was a change from recent weeks, when my father hadn't been around much.

"Your father wants me to take you downstairs. I'm going to teach you to deal with anyone who would dare to stand up to us," My mother hissed gloatingly. She instructed me to get dressed, and meet her downstairs

Half-an-hour later, we entered the meeting room, where Dolohov and Rowle were unconscious, floating above the long table.

"Do you know how to bring someone back to conciousness, Nerida?" My mother's voice was cold. I nodded.

"On three, two, one, now!"

"RENNERVATE!" We shouted together. Rowle and Dolohovs' bodies ceased to float, and they both came crashing down on the table.

"Petrificus totalus! Petrificus totalus!" Hissed my mother. The two loyal servants lay on the table. They had each suffered quite a bit of physical pain, as well as memory loss.

"We'll be killing them. But first, the Dark Lord wants me to teach you one of the Unforgivables. In fact, it's my favourite." I suddenly realised that I was about to learn how to torture, using the Cruciatus curse. My mother pointed her wand at the two immobile bodies on the table, and they both began to move around a bit, as she had removed the full body-bind curse.

"The thing about an Unforgivable is that you have to mean it. The Potter boy tried to use this on me last year, but he didn't really mean it, so I was fine. Try and think of all the stupid things Dolohov has done...he completely mistimed the attack...he didn't consult your father...he could have ended up killing us all." I stood up straight, and readied myself, trying to think of all the awful things Dolohov had done.

"The incantation is crucio." My mother was getting impatient, I could tell. Hoping it would work the first time, I brought my wand down through the air, yelling the incantation as I did so.

"CRUCIO!" Dolohov shouted for a couple of moments, but then I lost my concentration, and he relaxed, still whimpering.

"WHAT WAS THAT?" My mother had screamed. I took a step back, reaching for my wand to defend myself. " didn't even make him scream properly!" I wiped away the tears from the blurred eyes.

"I tried." I could keep calm, I knew I could.

"No, you didn't try. What did you think would happen? You'd just be able to flick your wand, and you'd hurt him so much that he would want to die?" My mother has furious, her tangled hair hanging down her back, and her eyes dilated with anger.

"I DID TRY, AND I CAN TRY AGAIN." This time I aimed the curse at her. "CRUCIO!" My mother rose in mid-air, screaming. I suddenly came to my senses and realised what I was doing. I let her drop to the ground. She was up on her feet her no time at all, and we began to duel.




"FURNUNCULUS!" My mother ran out of the room, and up the stairs. I suddenly realised who she was going to get. My father. I ran out of the doors, and down the driveway as fast as I could. I could hear my commotion in the house continued, as everybody realised what had happened. Then, as I ran fast, I could hear my father and Yaxley running behind me, faster.

"NERIDA! Come here this instant!" But neither of them fired a curse at him, and I took the oppotunity to send a curse over my shoulder at Yaxley, hitting him square in the chest, and knocking him on the shoulder. My father carried on running after me, and I realised that he was gaining on me fast. The driveway was longer than I thought. He still didn't draw his wand though, and we were right by the gate. Raising my right arm to pass through the gate, I turned on my heel, catching a glimpse of my father's white face, giving away no signs of any emotion. I apparated to the first place I could think of. Where I had had that odd conversation with Severus last night, about my patronus. The grassy mound outside Hogwarts.

Nerida Riddle, daughter of the Dark Lord - REWRITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now