The Box

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I woke up in a cold metal box moving upwards all I could remember was my name...Jodi kept repeating in my head. I decided that I should hide so I found a a box in the back ot the box so I hide behind it, soon the box stops and opens adout 40 boys stand around it "hey there's no greenie " a blond boy with shaggy hair said. "They probably forgot the greenie this month Newt" a darker skinned boy said "maybe" the blond said. Soon they leave, but I also start to get hungry.

-Minho P.O.V-
After we got the stuff out of the box we got supper from frypan. "Hey Minho!" Newt yelled "the box did not go down want to check it out?" "sure" I replied.

-Jodi P.O.V.-
Soon the metal doors open again "hey Newt I found a box...WOW...hey Newt I found the greenie" the boy said extending a hand "we won't hurt you just come here" he said as I stood up. "Hey I'm Minho wat's your name" the boy asked. "Jodi" I told him "nice to meet you Jodi, you must be hungry do you want to go get some food?" Minho asked "yes pwese" (A\N she is four) then Minho carried me over to the kitchen "OK Jodi this is frypan" Minho said but I just titened my grip on him then frypan extended his hand to give me a bread roll as Minho put me down. I walked slowly up to frypan and grabbed the roll then ran back to Minho "thank you fyipan" I said. Minho and i walked over to a table where i could eat my roll in peace.

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