Chapter 1

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(Alice's POV)

I heard the moans close behind me. I tried not to think about it and focused on running faster. My feet pounded on the forest floor, creating a cloud of dust and dirt where I stepped. I searched frantically around me for cover. They were getting closer, the rancid smell of mold and decay making me gag.  I pulled the collar of my t-shirt up over my mouth. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted what I was looking for. I sprinted through the dense bush as branches sliced at my arms and legs.

 When I came to the door of my cabin, I jerked on the knob frantically, but it wouldn't budge. Glancing behind me, I could see a glimpse of the Risen. They were mostly skeletons, but where skin did remain it was green and flaking. Some still had flesh on their faces. Their eyes were either caked yellow with infection, or not even there at all. I remembered seeing a Risen with an eye that just hung from its socket.

I continued to jerk at the knob until finally the door opened.  I slammed it shut just as one of the infected reached out to grab me; his bony fingers brushing my cheek. His arm fell to the floor and outside I could hear its bloodcurdling scream. Besides the Risen being extremely fast, the only other thing even remotely human about them was that their screams sounded human. I figured it was meant to lure us in.  If you heard someone screaming in the distance, you would go help them. That's when the infected would ambush you. 

I called my place a "cabin" only to humor myself. I did not have the luxury of an actual cabin, this was more of a one-room shack, but it had sturdy walls, a roof and a floor. That was good enough for me. I lowered the large wooden padlock over the door handle. The shack had a window at one point, but it had been destroyed easily by the Risen. I had boarded it up, but left a bit of space between the boards to let the light in. I peeked through the cracks. Nothing. I hadn't heard them leave. All of the sudden, an infect popped up out from under the window where he had been crouching and launched himself at the boards. Screaming, I jumped back and fell to the floor. "He can't get in." I assured myself. The infects jaw was broken and hung loosely off his face. It swayed whenever he moved, splattering blood over the dirt. I slid down the back wall and buried my face into my knees. 

Eventually the moans subsided as the Risen became impatient and left. I realized how stupid it had been for me to lead them here. "They know where you are now. Must be more careful. Must remain hidden. If you are hidden, you are safe." I told myself. I reached for my backpack that I had placed in the corner, and dragged it in front of me. There was just enough room in the shack for me to stretch out, so I placed my head on the backpack and closed my eyes. I didn't like sleep. The nightmares where enough to keep me awake for days but I felt too tired to care. Eventually, fatigue took over me and as I drifted asleep, I prepared myself for the horrors I would face in my dreams. 

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