Chapter 2

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(Christian's POV)

I glanced over my shoulder and sure enough, Demetrius was fast asleep in the back seat. Thank God for the truck or we would have been zombie chow by now. I kicked my legs up onto the dashboard and pushed back my chair. As I fiddled with the chain around my neck, I thought back to my old life, my life before The Rise. Then again, it wasn't much better.

*                              *                                  *                                  *

I felt the blow before he even hit me. I was prepared, though when his fist connected with my jaw it still left me dazed. Spots clouded my vision, and the taste of copper filled my mouth. I spit out the blood. "You gonna listen to me now, boy? You done being a fucking smartass?" 

I stayed silent. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a head poke around the corner. I never broke my father's stare as I said, "Demetrius, go back to bed." He hesitated before turning slowly. I waited until I heard his door close before continuing. "So what, I went out. What's the problem?" My father just smirked and took a step closer to me. "You were supposed to be here. I was out, your mother was out, and you left the little twat here alone!" I shoved him away from me. "He is 13 years old, he can take care of himself for a few hours. And do not.. call him that." 

He shot his arm out, grabbing my jaw and turning my head towards him. I clawed at his wrist but his grip remained tight. I held in a scream as he gripped my bruised jaw tighter. "Don't tell me what to do, boy. You had no reason to go out tonight." "Actually, I did." I spat in his face and he flinched. "It's my 18th birthday." For the first time in a long time, he was completely silent. He shoved me aside, letting go of my jaw. "See that it doesn't happen again, boy." He stalked away without a second glance.

*                               *                                *                                          *

At least here in the truck, at that moment, we were safe. We were together. We were surviving. I rubbed the cross that was on a chain around my neck. It had become a habit of mine. It gave me strength. Leaning back, I glanced up through the sunroof. The sky was illuminated by millions of stars. Since we were on the countryside, there were no city lights, so the stars were bright and completely visible. It was comforting to see that even though the world had turned ugly, something still remained beautiful.

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