Chapter 6

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(Christian's POV)

The cut in my back hadn't been deep, but nonetheless, any kind of twisting motion sent waves of pain up my spine and down my legs. My lip was torn and bleeding; I had been aimlessly chewing on it to distract me. I drove slow, maneuvering around fallen trees, dead cars and piles upon piles of bodies that were too rotted and dismembered to distinguish between human or animal. Glancing to the side I saw Demetrius slouched in his seat, eyes closed and shaking. I knew it was more from the shock then anything else. 

The scrapes along his leg hadn't been too deep either so the bleeding had stopped relatively fast, but I knew that the risk of infection was still high. We needed medical supplies. I debated driving faster, but thought better of it. The noise could attract infects, or worse, desperate survivors in need of transportation. I had learnt that in this world, it was every man for himself.

 In the first few days of the Rise it wan't uncommon to come across other survivors. Some took no chances and would shoot at first sight, human or infect, however most were somewhat willing to stick together. Over the next couple weeks, the hospitality of survivors diminished drastically. People became desperate, almost insane. The majority of survivors had seen their families be torn apart by infects, sometimes even at their own will when the fear and sadness became unbearable. 

I thought back to earlier on in the Rise, when Demetri and I had been walking alongside what had once been a highway. In the distance we saw a old man, standing on the road and staring blankly at the trees on the opposite side. I had stopped and put my arm out in front of Demetri, sensing that something was off. I heard them before I saw them. The bloodcurdling, human-like screams echoed from the forest sending flocks of crows flying from the trees. Then out came a group of Risen, ambling from the forest like a heard of sheep trying to cross the road. I remember yelling at the old man to run, to move, to do anything. He just stood there, as still as a board.

Then, he slowly turned to look at me, the rest of his body following as he angled towards us. He didn't yell, he didn't run. He just stared at me. Even from the distance I could see the calmness in his eyes. The infects transitioned from a walking pace to a run, and the old man kept his gaze on me, even as the Risen barreled towards him. He gave me a small nod, as if to tell me it was all okay, before disappearing in a pile of infects. I pulled Demetri back the way we had come. I understood the man in that moment. But I would never let Demetri get to that point of desperation. It's the easy way out no doubt, but he is mine to protect. As long as he is alive, I have to be. 

We rounded the corner into town and I pulled the truck over into the parking lot of what had once been a shell station. My back was still aching, but manageable. I reached into the back seat for my revolver and counted my bullets. 3 left in the barrel and one last box of 20 in the back. I was always hesitant to use the gun, mainly because of the noise. But I had never fired a gun before the Rise, which unfortunately meant my aim was shifty due to the lack of experience. I looked over at Demetri, still shaking in his seat. I didn't want to leave him, but his leg and clothes were stained with blood. His wounds had bled more then mine. The smell would for sure attract infects.

 I backed the truck up in the ally between the shell and the next building, making it slightly more hidden from possible looting survivors. I put my hand gently on his shoulder. "Demetri, listen to me. Keep the doors locked and your head down. Don't let anyone see you, and don't open these doors for anyone but me. If there's an emergency, hock the horn. Only in an emergency, okay? I'll stay close and I won't be long." I gazed up at me, blinking back tears in an obvious attempt to not look scared. "I will be right back. Be brave." I brushed the hair out of his eyes and stepped out of the truck. I closed the door as gently as I could. Demetrius peered out from the window, but I stayed put until I heard the click of the doors locking. I nodded to Demetri. Then, gripping my revolver tight, I walked around the corner to the shell entrance. 

The windows were boarded up, leaving me with no other choice but to squeeze through a small hole in the glass door. I moved slowly, maneuvering my body through the jagged edges. I let out a heavy sigh once inside. The sheer emptiness of the place was discerning. I don't know what else I was expecting, this town was probably raided a long time ago. I took a quick look around just to be sure, then headed back to the front of the building.

 I had just begun inching my body through the glass door when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. Turning my head slowly, I saw a dark moving mass. My breath caught in my throat as the mass moved into the light, revealing a hoard of 5 or 6 infects. They were focused on something and hadn't noticed me yet. They moved slowly; their steps in perfect sync. 

No, no, no. 

They were moving towards the alley.

I waited until the last infect disappeared around the corner before ducking through the door. I ran to the corner and pressed my back against the brick wall. I leaned head ever so slightly around the corner to see. The Risen were paying no attention to the truck. My gaze shifted from the truck, to the Risen and back again. I knew I should run to the truck and get the heck out of there, but I was curious. Something about the way the Risen were acting was different. They weren't just strolling through town. They were stalking  their pray.

I watched them creep down the alley towards a door that appeared to have been busted open. The bent padlock dangled from the hinge. Slowly and all together, they entered the building. I turned the corner and walked low to the ground, running my fingers along the brick wall beside me. I came up next to the truck and peered inside. Demetrius was tucked down on the floor of the cab, his hands balled into fists and his eyes shut tight. I tapped gently on the window and he flinched. A look of relief washed over his face when he saw me, but I held my finger up to my lips, signalling for him to be quiet. 

I continued towards the door, every muscle in my body flexed on high alert. I peered cautiously around the door. It was dark from the boarded windows so I had to squint. Through the darkness I could see the the hoard standing in front of the door, almost as if they were blocking it. They stood completely still, focusing on whatever they had trapped in that room. I moved slowly, stopping after every couple steps in an attempt to not make noise. I crept behind a rack to get a better look. Peering through the bars, I stared in shock. It was a girl.

 She stood there frozen, eyes locked on the infects. I saw her slowly start to move her hand down to her thigh. The infects saw it too. They remained still, but their gaze followed her hand as it slid further down. She didn't have the chance to grab whatever she was reaching for. The infects pounced towards her. Without even thinking, I pushed the rack as hard as I could, and watched it fall.  

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