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A/N: Here's Niall^ in this chapter. If ya want a visual.

"Mum, where is my bag?" Louis called from his room.

"It's down here!" She called back up to his room.

He groaned and pushed all of his things for school out of the way.

"Louis? Are you sure you want to go to this school? The hi-" he cut her off as he grabbed his bag.

"Zayn is going mum. So I'm going," He said as taking the old things from his backpack.

"Zayn is a bad influence," she sighed. "Could you at least try and make some new friends this year? Preferably people who are more, ya know, happy."

"Zayn is happy. He just doesn't show his feelings is all," Louis stated grabbing an apple from the counter.

"Still. Make some new friends," she sat on the bar stool.

"I will," Louis rolled his eyes. "Bye. Love you," he kissed her on the cheek.

"Love you too," she waved him off.

He grabbed his notebooks and walked out the door, waiting for Zayn to arrive.

After 15 minutes of waiting, Zayn finally came.

"Sorry. My mom wouldn't stop talking," Zayn looks over at Louis.

"It's fine," Louis shrugged, throwing his backpack to the back seat and getting in.

"So what did your mum say about me this time?" Zayn raised an eyebrow.

Louis let out a sigh as Zayn started the car. "Just the usual. Saying that I need to find happier friends." 

"Maybe you should find happier friends." Zayn glanced at Louis. "I heard that a lot of new kids are coming to this school this year. We could find some other friends."

"But Zayn, we've been friends for almost 16 years." A frown pulling at the sides of Louis' lips.

"But we also haven't had many other friends. It's Senior year, we could at least try."

"Yeah we could."


"Welcome to South Peterson High," Ms. Franks smiled at the students. "All of your schedules will be by the doors as you exit the gymnasium. I hope you all enjoy your time here. The bell will ring soon, signaling you need to be heading to your first class of the day. Good luck to you all." She smiled, joining the vice principal by the doors.

Everyone rose to their feet and Louis was brought to a halt when someone turned him around.

"I'm Liam," the boy's brown eyes stared into Louis' green ones.

"You're very forward." Louis raised an eyebrow.

"I'm..I'm sorry," He looked down. "I just moved to this neighborhood and I don't really have any friends and I just wanted to meet-"

"It's fine," Louis let out a chuckle at the boy's nervousness. "I'm Louis."

"Are you a senior too?" Liam asked with a smile.

"Yep." Louis rocked back on his heels. "I think we should get our schedules now," he gestured to the door.

"Yeah Yeah. Good idea," Liam laughed nervously and followed Louis down the bleachers.

"I have math first period," Zayn groaned from the left side of Louis.

"Good luck with that one mate," Louis laughed.

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