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I was rereading all I have done rn and I realized how much nouis there is so^


"Hun, is that you?" Liam's mom, Karen, asked from her place on the sofa.

"Yep. Just me." He smiled a small smile.

"Make any friends?" She muted the tv.

"Yea- well, sort of." He sighed. "His name was Louis. He had a friend, Zayn, who didn't look very happy after seeing me with Louis."

"Well I'll still count it as a friend," she smiled. "I'm proud of you, Liam."

"It's one friend, mum." He frowned.

"But you're opening up. Last year, you barely even glanced at anyone. I think this school is going to be good for you."

"I don't know about that," he shrugged. "Everyone seems quite rude."

"Don't judge a book by its cover, Liam," she nodded. "I have to get to work but I'll be back later on. Try not to party too hard."

"Oh, I'll try."

"I love you," she kissed his cheek. "Cya tonight."

She walked out the door and locked it behind her.

Liam sighed and fell back onto the couch, grabbing the remote.

His phone buzzed from beside him causing him to glance at it.

Unknown number: hello, liam(:

Assuming it was just Louis who had gotten his number, he responded back with-

Liam: hey louis.

A loud crash from outside the door echoed into the house.

Liam, being the worried guy he is, walked to the door and peeked out only to see nothing.

He was about to close the door when an shining object caught his eye.

He couldn't make out the object but he followed it up and saw a figure holding it.

A figure in all black.

He realized, it was a knife.

The figure tilted it's head to the side, slowly crouching down to place the knife on the ground, walking down the street towards the school building.

Liam had two choices here.

1. Go back inside and text Louis while watching tv.


2. Be curious and go over to the place the figure was.

He obviously decided to go over to it.

He slowly walked, watching the black figure walk peacefully down the street.

If they turned around, Liam could easily get killed.

I mean, they had a knife. They've got to be like insane or something, right?

Liam took the chance to speed walk, crouching down the the place where the figure stood.

He touched the knife, carefully. Then noticed a piece of stuck to the other side of the knife.

He flipped it and pulled the paper off.

Round 2 seems nice, yeah?

I'll see you around, Liam(:

First question that came to mind was, "How do they know my name?"

He started breathing heavily and walked backwards from the knife, glancing around the area once again.

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