Chapter 13

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I haven't seen Harry in a week. He texted me a few hours ago that he was sorry and that his business meeting was longer than he expected, so he has to stay in Denmark for a few more days.

*How much longer?:/
*Maybe two, or three more days.
*How is Denmark?
*Its much better than I expected. I like the alcohol.
*Are you busy?
*A bit. But I can always text back babygirl.
*i miss you...... and your tongue.
*I miss you as well. My tongue will be tasting your pretty little pussy of yours really soon baby.
*fuck daddy. You make me sexually frustrated.
*Funny love. Look I will text back as soon as possible, I just got notified that I have a meeting in 10 minutes. I love you babygirl x.
*I love you .

I set my phone down. Eying my surroundings, maybe I can go out to eat with a friend. Or sleep.... Or go to the grocery store because I have lettuce and ketchup in Harry's fridge. He left Oscar with his mother, so Ive been staying at his place. My parents still think I babysit. Since its Spring break I told them that he has to work late so Oscar is always alone now, I just get clean clothes at night and leave once again.

Harry's bedroom was nice and tighty, Two days ago, but as soon as he left I claimed his bed instead of the guest bed he had offered. We got into an argument that day because of that. I felt like he didn't want me near him and that he was just using me for sex. But then again, we did fuck once and he explained that he didn't want Oscar asking those types of questions if we were not ready. And he was right. I don't want Oscar to think I'm his mother or anything like that until we are definitely serious. Gosh I sound idiotic.

I put on some leggings and Harry's grey sweatshirt. It smells like him but faint, almost nonexistent. I tie my hair up in a bun and put on some vans.

I go to the restroom and see my reflection. I really do look like shit. I apply a fair amount of concealer set it with power and walk down stairs. I guess maybe I can go to the library and finish the school work I missed when I skipped school.

I get his keys and take some money he had given me it "just 'cause" but I know its because he knows im broke. I laugh and open the door. I make sure i have the money and keys before locking it. I unlock the car door and start it.

The way to the store isn't far . I park in and walk into Target, go straight to get some chips. Im such a fat ass.

Soon Im done and I set my things to pay. "Did you find everything alright?" A scruffy blonde boy asks me. "Yes, it was fine, thanks." I smile politely. I will admit he is attractive. Not anything compared to Harry, but attractive.

I wait as he puts in my items to bags . I hand him the cash and collect my things. "Have a nice night," his smile is wide. "Thank you, you as well...." I search for his nametag. 'Oliver' is in bold letters. ",Oliver." I smile and head out towards the car .

"Hey, " - "wait!" I turn around and its Oliver with a bag. I send him a confusing look. "You left it behind." , "Thank you, Im sorry gor making you run." I giggle and he does as well. His nice smile flashing again. "May I know your name?" I smile, "Its Mia." I set the bag in the car and close the door. "I have to get back in there but, Nice meeting you Mia. I hope to see you again." He smiles wide once more before leaving back into the store.
I start the car and go home. Yes i call Harry's house home because im very comfortable here now. Thats sounds dumb. As i put the rest of the groceries away i get a message from Harry.

*Hey love, what are you up to? ;)*
His flirty mood makes me wonder if he's drunk or hes stressed out.
*Hey Harry. You still in the meeting?*
*Sadly. I would really enjoy you wrapped around me right now but i know thats not going to happen.*
I laugh quietly when i read the message, I'll make him horny at the conference.
*Oh, too bad. Because currently I'm only wearing your white top. And i thought maybe you wanted a picture but thats okay since you are busy.*

After I send that I dont get a reply until five minutes later. A call. Hes calling.

"Hello?" I say sweetly. "Oh baby, you shouldn't of sent me that little text of yours."
"Why is that?" I smile through the phone. "I am going to fuck you so hard when I see you babygirl. As soon as I lay my hands on you we're fucking. I don't care if we have to do it in the airport bathrooms. I will pound the life out of you." His voice got raspy, low and came out as pants.
"Are you touching yourself Mr. Styles?" His breathing hitched through the phone. "I am in a fucking bathroom stall. I couldn'tresist that image of you like that. I had to let loose." I could practically see him, "Fuck daddy I really like that image." My body seems to get hot out of a sudden. Every time no hear his voice, I loose it.
"Tell- oh fuck, tell me what you would like me to do." His words are rough and whimpers.
"I would like for you to bend me over," I can hear him, I hear him moaning, panting, pleading for more. I love it. "And i would like for you to pull on my hair and push your big, fat cock in me." I sit on a high chair and continue, "Oh fucking, oh yes." His whimpers continue to be heard. "I would like for you to come in me daddy. I know you can feel yourself throbbing. Just come daddy. I know you like when you feel my skin get goosebumps when you are fucking me. Just let-" before i could finish my sentence I hear him moan out in euphoria. "You should really get back to your meeting daddy."


*Okay I know, i suck. I got into some trouble in school a while back and got my phone taken away and yea. But i finally got this finished. *

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