8- The Broken Foot

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That's how Bella looks like and I think you should listen to the song Blue by Troye Sivan. Troye Sivan is one of my favorite artist and he should be one of yours too. Whether you like it or not your going to like Troye Sivan. Shout out to all my Troye Sivan fans. If you don't know, what I'm talking about then the song will be up with the picture.

Chapter 8- The Broken Foot

During the whole school day it hurt to walk thanks to Kiki and that meant that I couldn't go to the skatepark. I'm going to kill Kiki and she's going to regret what she did. I kept on running into Ashley's minions, Tori and Haley. They seemed very sluty and sassy. Which is probably pretty normal for this school and I don't know, how this school puts up with them. They annoy the crap out of me and everybody else. Tori is always all over her boyfriend and she is always getting jealous if he talks to another girl. Haley, just don't get me started with that girl and just to sum it up. Well, let's just say that she always looks like she's always doing drugs which she probably is. I heard that she always has sex with 2 or 3 guys every time there is a party. Like why? You know what, they are exactly like Ashley but, they just don't have the brains like her. I have to admit that Ashley is pretty god damn smart and she tries to hide it. Why hide it? Why doesn't she embrace it? Oh yeah, that's right it's part of her being popular. If you're popular you can't be a nerd and if you are then your not popular.

This school really is messed up and I think my old school is better than this. Maybe I'm just saying that because I literally just moved here and I'm still getting used to this place. You never know I might get used to this place or I might not but I would have to deal with it. It's California of course I'm going to get used to it because of the most perfect weather. The weather I love it so much because it's never snows here but we do get earthquakes. That's the bad part about California and even better a lot celebrities live here also. I was told many times that I have no chance to see a celebrity but I still believe I will. I use to always tell myself to always believe in what you believe in and don't let anybody stop you for being you. Still do and Aunt Linda was the one who just always enjoyed me saying quotes all the time. I love inspirational quotes because in the future, I might need the quote or somebody else might need it. Enough about quotes and back to the Ashley's minions thing.

Whenever I kept on seeing them in the hallway they looked all happy and giggly until they saw me. They simply just don't like me, like I don't like them. I'm okay with that but I just don't like how they just stop being happy when they see me. That's really fuckn bitchy of them and I don't appreciate that. Why would I appreciate them? It's only been like a couple days of school and everything is going terribly. Well, now I'm gonna start making this year the best year of my life and try to keep it that way. This is going to be hard but I'm going to do it and nothing is stopping me. Hopefully.

When I got home Aunt Linda seen that I was in pain while I was walking. My foot hurt that bad and since she's overprotective. She took me to doctor to go check it out and apparently Kiki's high heel broke my foot. I won't be able to drive my Ferrari and I have to use crutches. Crutches hurt my armpits and they won't stay still when I put them down. It's a real struggle and I won't be able to do anything anymore. This really sucks and Kiki is lucky that I'm get the my cast off before Nathan's big bash. I'm going to kill Kiki for sure now. This has gotten to the point where I can't control my anger and I get pissed off easily. I'm just going to go home and get a nice rest of sleep so I can calm down a little. Which probably won't work and I will still be mad.


After, I woke up I usually scratch my ankle with my other foot but when I did it hurt like a bitch. I started bleeding a little because of my cast so I had to put a band aid because if I don't Aunt Linda will freak. So, I cleaned myself up and got ready for school. Which was very difficult and what made it even worse was that I was on my period. Life can't just get any worse can it and I literally mean it. I've never been this cranky before and I might probably beat somebody up. I've done that before when I was on my period.

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