Four Fully Grown Men Were Storming The Apartment

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I'm naming my chapters with quotes from the chapter. idk how it's going to work out in the long run, but so far I like it.

I would love to know how you are liking the story and what you think of the characters and whether I'm protraying the lifeguards in the way you see them. I plan on bringing more of the lifeguards into the story in the next few chapters. If there are any lifeguards you'd love to see imparticular, let me know. :) 

-Jess xxx


Jesses POV

There was a quiet knock on the door. I wiped my palms on my jeans and quickly jogged to the door to open it.

“Sophia, hi.” I breathed as I caught sight of her. She was wearing some tight pastel blue skinny jeans the hugged her curves and a pretty white lace top. “Wow. You’re making me feel underdressed in my own home!”

She giggled and took one of my hands with her own before leaning up on her toes to kiss my lips. I leant my head down to make it easier for her to kiss me.

“How was your day?” She asked me as I guided through the apartment. It was messy still even though I’d paid Maxi to clean it up.

“Stressful.” I said simply, slumping down in front of the tv. She took her seat next to me, placing her legs over mine and slipping her head onto my shoulder so we took up no more room than one, rather large, person would.

“Really? It was raining all day again though.” She replied quietly as we watched the muted tv.

“In all honesty, I was trying to pay Maxi off. I must have paid him well over $100 to clean this place up and to get out of our hair tonight.” I laughed and began stroking her leg. She laughed, her chest vibrating against mine.

She smelt sweet. Like, vanilla and coconut.

“Well that was a bit silly. I wouldn’t have minded if Maxi had stuck around.” Her fingers were tangled in my hair and she leaned into me, kissing my lips softly.

After several seconds of a gentle kiss, I pulled away. “Well someone’s happy to be alone apparently!” She repositioned herself and pulled me towards her so she could kiss me again. This time the kiss was more passionate. Her lips were soft and tasted of cherry. I bit her lip gently and pulled away again.

“I am so rude. I didn’t even offer you a drink!” I joked. I leant in to kiss her again but she darted away from me.

“Well, since you ask. I’d love a glass of wine. I mean, we are celebrating after all.” She giggled.

“May I ask what we are celebrating?” I asked her as I got up and swiftly walked to the kitchen, praying that Maxi had gone to the shop and bought some wine like I’d asked him to.

I glanced around, my eyes falling onto a bottle of unopened wine. “Thank you, Maxi!” I breathed silently.

“You mean.. Mandy hasn’t told you?” Sophia asked me as she wrapped her arms around me. I quickly opened and poured the wine into one of the only wine glasses we had and passed it to her, shaking my head at her. “Bay View called me yesterday. They’ve offered me a traineeship!” She giggled with excitement and took a long sip of her drink, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

“Congratulations!” I laughed with her and hugged her tightly. “You must be so excited!” I kissed the top of her head and followed her back out to the couch. She placed the wine glass on the low table in front of us and leaned into my arms. “I’m sorry I didn’t have anything planned for today. I was working all day and didn’t have time to do much. We can put a film on if you want?”

Mandy smiled and got up to take a look at our film collection. I watched her gracefully dodge around all Maxi’s belongings that he didn’t move.

“Does Mandy have a job?” I asked. Sophia turned around and shook her head with a confused look on her face. When she turned around I shook my head in frustration. Mandy had abducted my day with Sophia yesterday when she knew I was working today and wouldn’t be able to do or plan anything special.

“Ooooh!” Sophia cried. “I love these films!” She spun around with the boxset of old Pink Panther DVDs.

“You and I are going to get along fabulously!” I grinned as she placed one of the DVD’s into the DVD player before bouncing onto the sofa and getting comfy in my arms.


I was woken up by the voices outside the front door. I rubbed my eyes with my free arm and looked down to see Sophia asleep on me.

I grumbled some profanities at myself for falling asleep.

“I don’t hear anything. I say we just go in and if they’re doing anything, we just run.” A familiar voice spoke with excitement.

“Yeah, I’ll keep the door open.” I heard Maxi reply before giggling quietly.

Within seconds, four fully grown men were storming the apartment looking like a SWAT team on a raid.

Soph sat upright and looked around with a confused sleepy look on her face. “What the..” She began.

“Oh.” Maxi said quietly when he saw the tv and our sleepy but annoyed faces. “Hi! Fancy running into you here.”

I shook my head and pointed towards the door. Sophia, however had other ideas. “Hi, I’m Sophia.” She said, standing up and shaking all their hands. First she shook Gonzo’s hand, and then Quinn’s, but she hovered over Dunno’s hand. “Haven’t we..” Dunno shook his head and introduced all the boys.

Sophia finally shook Maxi’s hand and then turned towards me. “Well…” She said with an exasperated look on her face. “I guess I should be going.” She added before backing away towards the door.

I shot the boys an angry look and followed her out, shutting the front door behind me.

“I am so sorry about them.” I sighed, but she simply wrapped her arms around me and kissed my neck.

“Don’t be. I just like spending time with you.” She replied quietly. She pulled away and I leaned down to kiss her. She reached up ever so slightly with one of her hands on my cheek and the other hand tangled in my hair again and she kissed me. Another passionate kiss that I wasn’t expecting from her. “Are you working tomorrow?” She asked me breathlessly.

I nodded and kissed her forehead. “I’m working for the next five days.”

She smiled sadly at me and simply shrugged. “We’ll work something out. You should go and get some sleep and whoop some ass!” She giggled before kissing me again quickly.

“I’ll see you soon?” I called out as she bounced down the hall towards the parking lot.

When she reached the door to the stair case, she stopped for a few seconds, “Yeah you will!” She called back with a  large, beautiful smile on her face.

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