Chapter 6

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Joel: *winks at Jaime* "Um Naomi, I was wondering, would you like to be my partner for homecoming? *hands Naomi a rose from his pocket*
Naomi: "I'd love to" *smiles*
Everyone: "Get it"
Joel: "Great, I'll pick you up at 7:00 pm that night" *smirks/smiles*
Naomi: "Awesome, I'll be ready"
*Joel & Naomi sit next to each other*
Erick: "okay okay *spins the bottle again*
Richard: "oh dang Yoyo, it's your turn to ask Gigi what she wants, truth or dare?
Yoyo: "okay, truth or dare Gigi"
Gigi: " truth"
Yoyo: "have you had your first kiss yet?"
Gigi: "um... *looks around at everyone*

8 seconds later
Yoyo: "Hello?"
Gigi: "oh um nope, I've never had my first kiss." *awkward look*
Everyone: "Oh my gosh!! Really?"
Gigi: "yes" *looks at Jaime smiling at her*
Erick: "wow. Well guys, I'm hungry. Keep playing without me, I'm gonna go eat."
Everyone except Jaime, Alondra, her friends & Gigi: "me too, I'm hungry again. We"ll continue later."
Everyone leaves to eat

When everyone's gone
Alondra: "come on girls, let's go dry up. Baby, you coming?" *puts finger in her mouth with smiling & looking at Gigi*
Jaime: "um yeah yeah." *gets up and goes inside to change*

Gigi's POV
Great, now I'm all alone doing nothing.
Why did Yoyo ask me that? It was so embarrassing.Hopefully no one thinks Im "different".
*moments later a familiar voice calls Gigi's name
"Hey Gigi."
I turn to see Alondra and her friends smiling at me.
Gigi: "Hey girls." *smiles weird*
Alondra: "we just came back to tell you to stay away from my daddy Jae.
I know what your trying to do Gigi. Your trying to make Jaime feel bad so he goes with you. Guess what?It's not working! Stay away or I will harm you."

Gigi's POV
Omg. I knew she was lying all along. I knew she wasn't gonna leave me alone.

Voice inside: "Say something back Gigi, don't stay quiet."

Gigi: "And if I don't leave "your" daddy Jae alone, what will you do to me?"
Alondra: "your about to find out."
*Alondra and her friends grab Gigi really tight and throw her into the pool*
Alondra: "see you later alligator" *walks inside to change*
Gigi's POV
I got out the pool and was soaked. I tried looking for a towel but couldn't find any. "Here goes my new outfit to waist."
I saw Jaime come out and he looked at me. I really wished someone else would have looked but everyone was on the other side of the backyard and didn't know what was going on.

Jaime: "omg Giselle, what happened"
Gigi: * just looks at him*
Jaime: "I asked, what happened"
Gigi: *walks away toward her stuff and runs out to the front crying*
Jaime: *goes after Gigi*
"Giselle wait up."
Gigi: *stops*
Jaime: *catches up to Gigi*
Gigi: "what do you want Jaime."

Jaime's POV
I saw Gigi crying. I felt terrible. I didn't know what to do in situations like this. Gosh I wanted to hug her and kiss her really bad.

Jaime: "Is everything okay."
Gigi: "No Jaime, nothing's okay. I'm still getting bullied by your "charming" girlfriend and her friends. She just threw me into the pool and it's freezing out here.
Jaime: *hands her the hoodie he changed into*
Gigi: "Thanks"
*fake smiles but is still crying*
"I just made a fool out of myself in there. Everyone's going to think I'm a loser now because I haven't had my first kiss. I'm such a disappointment. All I want in life is to be successful. I've never... *boom!! Jaime puts his lips on Gigi's lips*
*they kiss*
5 seconds later
Jaime: "now you could say you've had your first kiss" *smiles*
Gigi: "J-Jaime I...
Hey peeps, hope you liked this chapter. What do you think will happen next? Will Jaime leave Alondra or will he stay with her? Comment below what you think. I'll be posting another chapter today again. It's past 12 am where I live so it's technically still Sunday. Well, I'll be back to post a chapter later. Peace out girls scout 😛✌🏼️

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