Chapter 4

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We got out of the cars and walked up to our trap house. There was our security Bob standin in front of he door. Dont think oh it must be easy to get in since there is only one security guard because its not. We have people on roofs with snipers. Crazy right?

"Sup boss."Bob says doing a nod to Twist.

"Wassup Bob anyone try to get in?"Twist asks.

"Yeah one hoe named Amanda tried coming in looking for you but we handled her ass."Bob answered.

"Stupid hoe. "Me, Honey, and Cinnamon mumbled. We laughed.

"Thanks bob"Twist said as we walked into the trap.

See our trap is classy. My idea. Since we are royalty our color is gold amd purple. Theres an reception desk. Waiting chairs for our connections to wait. All my friends have their on offices. We have a meeting room that fits at less 200 people. Twists idea was just sick. He wanted a stripper poles In the middle of the meeting table and girls walking half naked. Which is just sick and nasty. Every girl in these gang has respect for themselves. We cant have a girl giving head to evey nigga cause she just might be a snake. We recruit every worker here. Our gang is really trained and skilled.

We walk to the meeting room where all of the workers are waiting. Twist, Mimi, and I seat in our big chairs cause we are the bosses well Twist is the head since he is older. I already know what the meeting is about so I just sit back and relax.

"As you guys see we have an important meeting today. It seems like the Bast Square gang tried to break in my second trap house. I want them killed. Mimi, Cinnamon, and Honey I want you guys to find some of the workers amd get in formation out of them. DeVonte, Mario, and James I want yall to kill everyone in the trap once we find out where they are. Everyone else are back up except Chris, Trent, and Carlos."He said telling everyone our jobs.

Bass Square gang are our rivals. They dont like us we dont like them. The leader is trying to always be above us but we can never find out who he or she is. Me and the girls job is to be all flirty flirty with he opposite gang to get them to tell us information. Like where are their traps, who's the boss, and so on. Get it?

I walked in to my office and sat down. I put my feet up amd reach under my desk. Theres a little drawer were I hold my ...... candy. Yup candy. I pulled out my Kit Kat bar, M&Ms, Skittles, and Snikers. Yeah imma fat ass so what. I got my remote and turn my 90 in flat screen. I put on my favorite show Ridiculousness. I was into it until some one knocked.

"Ugh, Who is it?"I asked frustrated.

"Yo future husband."James said walkin in and sittin on my chair thats in front of my desk and taking my Skittles.

"Sure have my Skittles thanks for asking."I said sarcastically and rolling my eyes.

"Thanks but can you give me a ride home I left my car at my house and I came with your brother."He asked pouring a couple Skittles down his throat.

"Sure come on."I said gettin up and walking out my office with James behind me.

We got in my Black Lambo and took off. James gave me his address and I followed them. We ended up at a Nice big or should I say huge house. My house is bigger but his is great.

"Wanna come in and chill?"James asked before getting out ofnhe car.

"Sure."I said getting out the car and following James. he pulled out his keys and opended the door. When we walked in the house was just gorgeous. With all black furniture and red walls with a little white things here and there.

"Damn you live here by yourself?"I asked as I sat on the couch.

"Something like that."He said taking his hat off and rubbing hie head then putting it back on. "You hungry? "he asked starting to get up.

"Ye-"I stared but got interrupt by the door bell.

"Hold on."He said walking to the door. I sat back down.

"DADDY!"I heard a little boy scream.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2013 ⏰

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