chapter 1

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harry's pov

it's 4am and louis was supposed to be home 3 hours ago. he went out with the boys. liam being the designated driver, i trusted he would stop louis being black out drunk when he got home.

although i miss him, i'm scared for him to come home. i have a positive pregnancy test in my hand and i don't quite know what to do. we were careful and said we weren't going to try for a baby for another year.

just as i'm about to go call Liam the door swings open. it's Louis. he's drunk and stumbling in while trying to be quiet. he can't see me. i'm behind him in the dark lounge room, trying not to laugh as he tries to lock the door with his phone.

"Louis, what are you d-"

"AHHHHH WHAT THE FUCK!!" Louis screams as he throws his phone out of fear.

"sorry, love, i didn't mean to scare you," i chuckled, standing from my spot on the couch i head over towards Louis, who was holding his chest breathing heavily.

"i'm so sorry i'm late, we lost Niall, he walked all the way from the club to nandos! that's 3 kilometres!" he shouted, throwing his arms up in disbelief.

Niall does love his food.

as Louis is walking towards the stairs to head to bed, i grab his wrist. he turns to me with a puzzled look and a drunken wobble. just as i'm about to speak, his mouth opened and his dinner decided to come back out. it was everywhere. on my shirt, Louis' shoes and pants, the floor and my favourite slippers.

"okay, let's go have a shower and then bed." i grabbed him from behind as i guided him slowly up the stairs.

the next morning i rolled over to spoon Louis, his body so warm and hair so fluffy. he had a bucket beside the bed and paracetamol with water ready for when he wakes.

it's 7:32am and i feel the nausea come back that I've been feeling for a few days. i let go of my boyfriend and run to the toilet, just as i lift the lid and start heaving i hear the sleeping beauty grumble awake.

"y'kay love?" Louis asked, still laying in bed.

i'm throwing up violently and can't reply, holding my hair back with one hand and my stomach with the other. my eyes hurt from how hard i'm vomiting, this usually happens while Louis is still sleeping or something.
just as i wipe my mouth and go to flush the toilet, Louis walks into the ensuite with a worried look on his face,

"are you alright, Haz?" he says as he pops the pills into his mouth, following them with water.

"Louis, i'm pregnant," i blurted out as i'm reaching for the toothbrush.
his face is shocked and his eyes wide.

"how? we were careful, i mean wow i'm shocked and excited and nervous and- when did you find out?"

"last night, i've been throwing up the past few days and feeling rather nauseous when i smell your morning coffee, so i took a test." i explained.

i didn't know what to do so i just hugged Louis and he hugged me back, gently rubbing my sides. he kneels down and presses an ear to my belly, raising his hands and gently rubs circles into my lower belly. it tickles but i try to hold in my laughs. he stands up and kisses my cheek, turning toward the bed and heading back to grab the bucket.

we head downstairs for breakfast, Louis puts the bucket back in the laundry and moves our wet clothes from the washer to dryer.

in the kitchen i get out some apples and mangos. all i want to eat is mustard on apples, I've been avoiding it for a few days because of how gross it sounds. just as i finish slicing my two apples, Louis walks in with our kitten, Otis, in tow. he's an 8 weeks old white kitty with black spots, we named him after the barnyard cow.

"what are you doing?" Louis raised his brow at the mustard container next to my fruits, you see his face change as he realises what i'm about to do,
"oh my gosh, harry what are you doing?" he asks with a disgusted tone.

"whaaat? i've been craving it for like a week leave me alone," i grumble back.

Louis doesn't have coffee this morning, he had his usual breakfast of cheerios topped with raspberries and strawberries. i loved my apple and mustard pieces. i ended up putting tiny mango cubes on the top of some apple slices and i nearly cried it was so good.

"i've booked an appointment with the doctor for Thursday at 2, hopefully we can get a scan to see how far along we are and see when this little mustard lover will join us" i said with a smile, i cant believe i'm pregnant!!

welcome back!! i rewrote it finally!!
please feel free to give feedback, i can always improve!
all the love A x

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