The Handcuffs

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One Shot that my friend asks me to write. Features slight badly written smut. It's also Kier x Shane pairing, something i've not written before, so i hope it works. Written in Shane's P.O.V. Enjoy :) 

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The crowd cheered as I finished the last chords to Palace in Flames, the last song of the night and the last song of this tour. I couldn’t describe the excitement I was feeling. I looked around at my band members, my best friends, and they had the same expression plastered on their faces. I excited the stage first, wiping my damp fringe out of my eyes and readjusting my steampunk goggles so that they were resting on my head once again and not around my neck.

I stopped at the first mirror I saw when I was backstage. I wasn’t vain, but I was always conscious about my appearance. I ruffled my sandy hair slightly, sighing as I realised all my makeup apart from my eyeliner had ran. I pulled the collar of my shirt in an attempt to cover up the red mark that had been left on my neck from the previous night’s events before anyone saw. Unfortunately it was too late. I turned around to see Drew stood behind me, smirking in my direction

“Blimey Shane. I thought Kier was a vampire killer, not an actually freekin vampire. How’ve you managed to cover that up all day?” Drew was sniggering under his breath. It was a good job this guy was my best friend or I probably would have punched him in the face.

“A lot of makeup, that’s all I’m saying” I felt myself blushing. “And it’s not my fault if my boyfriend happens to have the sharpest incisors I’ve ever known”

“So it’s you two trouble makers talking about me I thought my ears were burning” Kier was stood leaning against the doorframe, one hand on his hips.

He had a half smile on his face, the one that drove me crazy. He had changed out of his crimson red shirt he had been preforming in into a crisp white one that just skimmed his waistline, showing the curve of his hip bones slightly as he leant against the wall. He reached up and moved his red fringe out of his eyes before walking over so that he was stood behind me. His arms moved so the they were wrapped around my waist. He pulled me slightly towards him and rested his head on my shoulder.

“You know Shane, you spend far too much time staring into a mirror. You’re perfect” He purred as he nuzzled into my neck. I felt his teeth graze the skin slightly and I couldn’t help but moan quietly in response.

“Ehem. Guys, can you please get it on somewhere else? You know we don’t mind you showing affection and all, but I draw a line when either of you start moaning.”

I felt myself blushing. I’d forgotten that Drew was still in the room. Kier turned and looked at him. He started to snigger when he saw Drew’s expression. Kier’s arms released me and he walked over to Drew, smirking at him slightly.#

“Come on Drewie, just because you’re jealous of me and Shaneykins” He wrapped his arms around the smaller male “I’m sure we could make room for one more in our bunk. I’d have you screaming my name louder than Shane does”

Drew pushed Kier away. “Ewww, Kier you creep. As much as I love you and Shane, that’s just wrong”

Drew’s reaction caused both me and Kier to buckle over laughing. Kier played these tricks on the other members of the band all the time, and seeing their reactions was just hilarious. Drew stuck his tongue out at the both of us before leaving the room, presumably to meet the fans. Kier returned so that he had his arms wrapped around me.

“The others are going out for a drink tonight, but I have some plans for me and you. We’re going to celebrate the end of this tour our own way.” Kier leant down slightly to kiss me, his hands running down my back and cupping my arse, causing my hips to buck towards him. He broke of the kiss far too soon for my liking “Steady on Barrone, plenty of time for that later. We have some fans to meet.”

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