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Scarlet. You’ve been in there for ages, come on! I know you’re a girl and all, but I’m pretty sure whatever you are doing is done now. There are 6 of us in this house remember, not just you”

I was sat with my back against the bath, my head in my hands as I had been for the past 40 minutes, trying to block out the sounds of one of my best friends trying to get me to come out.

“Give me some space please Shane. I don’t want to talk to anyone” I answered him.

“Is the lock on the door?” He questioned

“No” I replied

“Are you decent?”


Before I knew what was happening, the door was opened and Shane sauntered in, sitting down next to me. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and I leant into his chest. I felt myself starting to cry and it wasn’t long until I was crying heavily into Shane’s embrace. I felt him stroke my hair with his free hand.

“Shh Scarls, it’s ok. I’m sure whatever has happened we can fix. I’m sure we can. Do you want to tell me what’s wrong. I don’t want you crying when Laur gets back home now do we.”

I leant forward and picked up a box that lay in front of me. I emptied the contents into my hand.

“Pregnancy testing kit? What do you need that for?” I heard him ask me, his voice was confused.

I wiped my tears away and showed him the test results. I saw his face drop in the same way mine had.

“You need to tell him Scarls. If you don’t and he finds out, it’ll break his heart. You know how sensitive he can be” Shane’s voice was serious.

“I can’t Shane. I just can’t. I can’t face his disappointment. I can’t face the disappointment from the others either.”

“Look now. Laurence will understand, he always will. And if he loves you as much as I know he loves you, then he will support you every step of the way. As for the others, they’re you’re best friends. I know they won’t be disappointed. They never have been. Now come on. Drew’s making pancakes and Kier Luke and Laurence will be back from starbucks soon.”

He gave me one last hug before getting up and leaving me in the bathroom.


I was curled up on an armchair in the front room when the guys got back. Laurence, the tallest of the three men, was the first into the house. His jet black hair was sticking out in all places, due to the fact he, and I quote, was “too much of a lazy faggot to straighten it”. His glasses were perched on the bridge of his nose and as he turned to look at me, the most heart-warming smile spread across his face.

He walked over to me and cupped my face in his hand, kissing me softly on the lips before handing me a starbucks cup. “Here you go darling. Caramel latte, 4 sugars, just the way you like it. Thought I better bring you one back”

He sat down on the chair next to me and I put my cup on the table and crawled into his lap. He smiled at me and wrapped his arms around me, stroking my arm lightly.

“So, I’ve been thinking Scarls, that if we’re going to have a baby on the way, we need to start painting that spare room. The guys have all agreed to move the band junk out of there and split it between the other rooms. Also, we drove past mothercare today and they have a sale on. I mean, I know its really really early days, but a sale’s a sale. What do you say? We could go tomorrow”

Seeing the excitement in Laurence’s face broke my heart. I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I started to cry, tears rolling down my face. “We can’t go Laur. And tell the guys not to bother moving their stuff. I took a test today. I pregnancy test. I’m not pregnant. I was probably just throwing up because I ate something dodgy. I’m sorry Laur, I really am.”

I saw his face drop. He stayed silent for a while before lifting up my head so that he could look into my eyes. He lent forward and kissed me gently.

“Don’t be sorry. There’s nothing to be sorry for. We’re young Scarlet, we’re only 24. Besides, nothing has changed. You’re still my beautiful Scarls. Besides, we can have a lot of fun trying again now can’t we?” He winked at me

I felt myself chuckle slightly. “I love you Laurence. I really do”

“I love you too Scarlet”

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