Awakening (Beginning)

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  "Chrom we have to do something," He heard a  female voice say above me as my dream faded, even though he no longer remembered what the dream was about.

  "What do you propose we do?" a second voice, this one male, questioned.

  "I... dunno...," the first voice replied. I opened my eyes slowly as I heard this exchange. Now that I had opened my eyes, I could see the two who were talking, one was a blond girl wearing a yellow dress and holding a staff, while the second voice belonged to a blue haired man with a tattoo on his shoulder wearing a sword on his hip.

  They both looked at me and their eyes went wide as they saw that I was awake, the blue haired man bent over a little with a smile on his face and said, "I see you're awake now."

 The blond haired girl also bent over a little and said, "Hey there!" with a large smile spilling across her face.

  "There are better places to take a nap than the ground you know," the blue haired man said, "here give me your hand," he pulled me up then asked, "You alright?"

  I grabbed his hand as he pulled me up off  the ground. "Yes, thank you, Chrom," He thanked as if it was second nature to him.

  He looked a little shocked and asked, "So you know who I am then?"

  "No, actually.... I, it's strange but your name, it just came to me."

  "... Hmm, how curious," Chrom looked perplexed at this, as if, but then continued by asking, "Tell me what is your name? What brings you?"

  "My name is... it's, hmm."

  "You don't know your own name?" he asked with concern etching itself on his face.

  "I'm not sure if... I'm sorry but where am I exactly?" He asked growing more confused with myself as this conversation continued.

  "Hey, I've heard of this, it's called amnesia," exclaimed the blond girl in complete excitement.

  "It's called a load of Pegasus dung," said a tall brown haired man leading a horse who had been standing a fair distance away, we are to believe you remember milord's name, but not your own?"

  "B-but it's the truth," he said, confused about this entire situation.

  "What if it is true, Fredrick?" Chrom questioned, "We can't just leave him alone and confused, what kind of Shepherds would we be then?"

  "Just the same milord, I would empathize caution," Fredrick answered, "t'would not do to let a wolf into our flock."

  "Right then- we'll take him back to town with us."

  "Hold on, do I have no say in this?" He asked Chrom.

  "Peace friend- I promise we'll hear all you have to say back in town, now come," Chrom answered.

  They began to walk toward the town and after a bit of walking the man finally asked what was on his mind, "What will you do will with me? Am I to be your prisoner."

  Chrom laughed at that, then said, "you'll be free to go after we establish you are no enemy of Yllise."

  "Yllise is that were we are now?" He asked squinting as to concentrate on remembering anything familar.

  "You've never heard of the Haildom?" Fredrick asked, then laughed and said, "someone pay this actor, he plays quite the fool, the furrowed brow is especially convincing."

  "Fredrick, please, this land is known as the Haildom of Yllise, Our ruler Emmeryn is called the Exhalt," Chrom explained, "I suppose proper introductions are in order, my name is Chrom, but you already knew that, and the delicate one here is my sister Lissa."

  "Hey, I'm not delicate, "exclaimed Lissa in a mock fury to her brothers teasing, yup, these two were definitely siblings, Lissa, then continued, "ignore my brother here, he can be a bit thick sometimes, but you're lucky the Shepherds found you, brigands would have been a rude awakening.

  "Shepherds? You tend sheep, in full armor?" He asked in confusion and mild humor.

  "It's a dangerous job, just ask Fredrick the Wary here," Chrom joked back.

  "A title I shall wear with pride, gods forbid one of us have an appropriate level of caution," Fredrick said, "I have every wish to trust you stranger but m station mandates otherwise."

  "I understand, then I guess I should introduce myself, my name is Robin," he said then confusion etched its way back onto his face, "I just remembered, how odd, I guess that's one mystery solved."

  Chrom showed confusion at the name, "Robin? Is it foreign? Ah well, we can discuss it later, we're almost to town. Once we-"

  Lissa gasped in surprise, "Chrom look! The town!"

  "Damn it! The town is ablaze, no doubt those blasted brigands, Fredrick, Lissa quickly!"

  "What about him, milord."

  "Unless he's on fire he can wait!"

  "Aptly put milord."

  "Let's go already!" Lissa yelled at the two.

  "Wait, what about- hmm.." Robin noticed he had a sword at his hip with the name Balmung etched into the sheath and a tome of magic named Mjolnir in a pocket in his cloak, "maybe I can help them too, well let's go after them."

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