Learn My Lesson

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Title: Learn My Lesson

Author: JadeMclellan

Summary: Kaori. Kazumi. Hanna. Rin. West. Dio. Six Students at Roozu High school all get detention one evening. A fire then starts at the school during detention and the only ones to make it out alive are those six students. Or so they thought. The six keep a pact to never speak about what's happened in the fire but when Kaori is attacked by a mysterious figure they begin to think maybe they aren't the only ones who made it out. Also each of the six begin to develop unique powers that they never had before.


Okay, I really had a hard time trying to write a review on this since there's really not much I can think of to say, it was that good. So I'll just say the two things that bothered me instead

One, why do people keep blaming Kaori? Look old hag (Talking about that one woman who screamed at Kaori at the funeral), it wasn't her fault! She may have escaped the fire but what does that have to do with anything? There were 5 other survivors woman! And her past has absolutely nothing to do with it too. Don't speak about things you don't know about!

Two, about the whole Garret as that hooded boy thing. Jade only mentioned him one time. So I really didn't wonder about him that much. Or see him as important. The big reveal would've been more dramatic if Jade let the mystery hang in the air (I really have no idea how to phrase that right)

I'm still waiting for the reveal of why that burnt stranger is after them.

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