Our Perilous Shadow

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Title: Our Perilous Shadow

Author: SamCoates

Summary: After being separated for many years, fraternal twins, Setsuna and Sora Erizawa are reunited in their old home town where unspeakable tragedies had occurred to them 5 years ago. However, a trail of gruesome deaths seem to be following them, everybody they are in contact with is in danger and they don't know why. Meanwhile, the two try to overcome the horrible memories that both of them share about their old friend Yuko...


Doing Sam's first since there's only one chapter for me to read

There really not much that I can judge since there's just one chapter. But it looks good so far. I love how Sam showed, not told. We could tell from how distant Sora was, that Setsuna and Sora weren't all that close like how twins are supposed to be. And that their parents are divorced without her ever outright stating it.

I was wondering why Setsuna was there in the first place since Sora and her mother have made it clear she's not welcome there. Then I read this sentence and it all comes together now

"First, Dad, he was gone now, I'd never see him again"

So her dad died and she has no other place to stay then at her mom's. Makes sense.

And she keeps mentioning this girl (Probably Yuko) so we know she's an important character. I'm guessing she died by the river since Setsuna seems to hate it so much. *_* And then she comes back from the dead somehow since the story is in the horror genre. Or haunts them as a ghost cause it's also in the paranormal genre

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